Why her?

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A/N: should I start putting music above to listen too whilst you read?

        L I A M
I zoned out in most of my lessons and just spent the day trying to figure out who the she was. I heard another conversation between Theo and the mystery person. "I've asked her to come out with me tonight and she said yes so don't worry about that" Theo told this stranger. "Okay she's very special Theo and i need her for this experiment" the person commented back. "Yes I know and she will be there" he answered and then nothing. The conversation stopped. I just sat in my class staring forwards not listening to anything else. The clock ticked closer to the end of school and I needed to get to Allison's and tell the pack of the conversation I heard. Suddenly the ring of the bell vibrated throughout the whole school and that was the end. I ran out of the class and looked around to see if I could catch the pack before they got home but Stiles' jeep was gone and Scott's motorbike was no longer there meaning they had already gone. I rushed out of the school and arrived at Allison's 20 minutes later. I slammed through the front door. "Liam? What's going on?" The pack stared at me. I breathed in and out hurriedly "something..is hap..penning..werewolves" I managed to wheeze out. Everyone looked at me blankly. "Nobodies here right? It's free to talk about the supernatural?" I asked finally getting my breath back. Allison nodded "yeh Maya's out with Farkle, my dads out and Riley's out with some new guy named-" I  froze "Theo?" I questioned. "Yeh that's him" my eyes shot open. "No! She's the girl!" I shouted. "The girl?" Scott asked. "Theo was having a were wolf conversation with some random person, they spoke about a girl that's special and needed to be used for some dangerous investigation" I rushed out. "Theo's a werewolf? How is Riley special?" Stiles asked confused. "that doesn't matter. We need to save my little sister" Allison begged. "Okay we need a plan" Kira suggested. "Like what?" Malia questioned. "Like we got the hell to her and save her! Where did they go?" Lucas spoke up. Allison shook her head "I don't know" she sighed almost in tears. "I heard something about going to the nematon" I told them. "Okay let's go" Scott agreed. We all headed towards the nematon. Alli brought her hunter weapons and stiles brought his...bat? "When we get there, we grab Riley we get her out of there before she sees anything including me being a hunter" Allison warned making everyone nod in agreement. "How do we get her to leave without a reason?" Malia questioned. "Wait Lydia's not here. We can say something bad happened and her illness is kicking in and now we need her home" Lucas offered his plan. "Yes! That's what we will do" Scott ordered. Ok we had a plan but really plan A never works... I hope this one will.

           R I L E Y
"Where are we going Theo?" I asked curiously. He smirked "it's a surprise". I hate surprises... We arrived at a large tree stump and I just couldn't figure out why. "Why are we here?" I asked more confused than ever. He chuckled "you'll see" I furrowed my eyebrows what is going on? "Isn't this beautiful?" He mumbled. "I guess but it's just a tree" I replied "I wasn't talking about the tree" he informed me. I looked up at him to see him already staring at me. I blushed and looked down to the floor. "It's great to dance on you know" he told me making me giggle but I climbed onto the top of the stump anyway. "Aren't you coming up too?" I called. "I'd rather watch you, you're really special Riley" he claimed making my cheeks tint a rosy colour again. I was having such a fun time and then coming from behind me I heard a growl. It was deep and scary making me jump in fear. "What was that?" I choked. Theo just stood there smirking "you'll see" I didn't know what to do "what do you mean?" I cautioned. "Well let's just say I didn't Come here to flirt and compliment you. I came here to-" "Riley!" He was cut off by Allison and all of her friends running over. "What are you doing here?" I piped. "Something happened to Lydia Riles and you need to come home" Stiles told me. He was like a brother to me. I nodded "yeh one sec. Theo what did you mean?" I boomed. He looked at me and then the pack. He stayed silent. It was completely quiet but I heard the growl again "Theo what is that thing" I phrased. "Riley now!" Allison authoritized. I really didn't want to stay there any longer with the 'beast' and Theo. "Okay" I whispered and then climbed down from the stump and over to the rest of them. Lucas, Liam you take her back to mine in my car I'll ride with stiles" Allison announced. They nodded and led me to my sisters car and drove me home.

Stiles, Malia, Kira, Scott and Allison stood next to the nematon with Theo awkwardly standing alone. "Why did you bring my sister here? What was that growl?" Allison demanded to know. Theo looked up and smirked "she's... Special and as for that growl you'll find out soon enough" he played around looking pleased with himself. "Oh wait where's the rest of the pack? Jackson, Lydia, Mason, Corey" he jeered. "Jackson has never been apart of this pack and Lydia is recovering. Corey and Mason decided to leave" Scott explained. "Hey I'm not judging. I'm here little old me standing all alone. But am I?" Theo hinted. Kira tensed up. A rustle through the trees sent shivers down the packs back and Theo noticed this and let of a bit of an evil laugh. "Don't worry you'll meet what's in the bush very soon. And we will get Riley" he smirked. Malia suddenly let her claws out and shifted into her were coyote self. "Hey hey no need for that Mal. And even if you wanted me you couldn't hurt me" Theo teased "you like me too much" he whispered. Scott stepped up "but I don't. You will stay away from Riley Theo" he ordered whilst his eyes turned red and his claws came out too. "Oh trust me she's the one that won't be able to stay away from me" he laughed. I was getting angry now and Theo could sense this "don't be jealous Allison there's plenty of me for both of the argent sisters" he chuckled while biting his lip making Allison shiver. Scott looked at Allison and saw the fear in her eyes and it was enough for him to leap forwards onto Theo but he disappeared. "What happened? Where's Theo?" Scott questioned looking around. "How could he have disappeared?" Stiles added. Everyone looked around "I don't know but right now our problem is protecting my little sister" Alli said before walking over to the jeep. "Maybe the best way to keep her safe is to tell her" Kira suggested. She snickered "with all due respect Kira you haven't been in this pack 5 minutes and by telling my sister she would be in a lot more danger" "Allis right. Knowing of the supernatural is the most dangerous thing in beacon hills" Scott agreed. Kira shrugged her shoulders and back off the topic. Scott, Stiles, Allison, Malia and Kira climbed into the jeep and headed home to check on Riley.

No hate on anyone in this chapter!(basically I'm tryna say no hate on Kira)

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