The girl

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I looked down at my wrist deciding that whatever my teacher was talking about wasn't that important. I stroked the defined bruise gently which made me shudder in pain. It was a dark colour and hurt even without touching it. What had gotten into Lydia? She's normally so sweet. She would never hurt me... But she did. Maybe I should ask allis- "hey Maya right?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Liam. I smiled "yeh that's me" he sighed as if in relief that it was me and not some random person. "Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked. I shook my head as he took the seat next to mine. "Alli told me to talk to you seeing as we're in the same class" he told me making my eyes shoot wide open "is it about Lydia?" I rushed out. He chuckled "yeh. The doctors said she was in like a dream and she didn't know what she was doing. That's why she was screaming 'stay away'-" I cut him off "because she was dreaming something. Thank God I thought something else was happening" I breathed out. "Yeh but because she was in a dream she doesn't remember anything like what she did to you" "oh so Alli told you" I mumbled. He nodded and looked at my wrist "yeh but don't worry I understand. It was like a dream to her. Also this sort of thing might happen again it's like an illness she will be cured but nobody knows how or when the docs said it just happens" Liam uttered. I nodded and let out a sigh before the teacher looked over "Miss Hart, Mr Dunbar" he bellowed snapping our attention back to him. "Sorry sir" we remarked in sync. He nodded and returned to his teaching. I turned to Liam who was already staring at me and we smiled to each other "I think we'll make great friends Maya Hart" he proposed. "Yeah? Me too Liam Dunbar" I beamed as we continued to smile at each other throughout the lesson.

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I told her that Lydia had an illness that meant she thinks that she's dreaming when she isn't. I lied to her. And then I asked her to be my friend. Lamest move ever but I had to keep the supernatural world a secret and besides we didn't even know what was really going on with Lydia yet. We spoke most of the class and other times we just smiled at each other. She had a beautiful smile and gorgeous eyes and I couldn't help but stare. But I could never be more that friends with anyone incase the secret got out and I could never endanger someone. If I was ever going to date it would have to be another supernatural and most of the ones here are either taken, in love with someone else or dead. "Hey Liam you coming" Maya called. I snapped out of my daze and looked at her and noticed the whole class was leaving meaning the bell had gone. I chuckled and then stood up to leave for lunch. I walked to the cafeteria with Maya and instead of sitting with the others I decided to sit at her table with her friends to give myself a break from hearing about other creatures. I walked over along side Maya and her friends looked over and smiled. I saw Riley Argent who was Allison's sister, Farkle Minkus, Zay babineaux and The new guy Theo Raken. We sat down and had a normal conversation without any word of death which made me feel like a normal teenager again instead of a were wolf. I chatted to Maya and Riley a lot. It seemed Theo liked Riley abit by the looks he was giving her. Zay turned out to be a really funny guy and Farkle was...well he was farkle. Suddenly my super werewolf hearing turned on and I heard a strange conversation. It was Theo and someone else. He was whispering and nobody could hear except for me. He was telling someone that he would meet them after school and then the other person told him to make sure he brings the girl because they wanted to try something dangerous. Who was the girl? I wondered. I looked around for the other person but saw nobody. Theo replied with a slight nod and resumed our conversation. I need to find out who the girl is and make sure she's safe. I saw Scott looking over. 'Pack meeting tonight' I mouthed towards him. He nodded and then whispered something to Allison. 'everyone meet at Mine tonight' I heard her offer.

What do you think of Maya and Liam? Who would you prefer to get together? Who is the girl? What dangerous thing are they going to try out?
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