I l...

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"I love you Riley, I think I have since the start. Since we first met" I looked up to her. "Please don't do this. I love you" "boring!" Malia stated. "That isn't from the heart. That's a 'your going to kill people so I need to tell you I love you' sentence" she told me. "Err. Well she is going to kill people so I need to tell her I love her" I replied, Malia rolled her eyes at my statement "I don't want to tell a girl that I love her when she's in a murderous state anyway, but it's better than nothing" I mumbled. "How did you know that you loved her?" Malia suddenly interrupted. "Huh?" "Riley. When an how did you know you love her?" She persisted. "Well when I looked into her eyes, I could always calm down. Her smile would lighten up my day and her laughter was like music to me" I droned on "and just by being with her I felt-" "home" Malia interrupted again. I looked to her "yeah" I whispered. The room dropped to silence "so who is he?" I questioned. "What?" Malia panicked quick to answer "who's the guy?" I asked chuckling. "Er.... No..no one" she stammered. "Okay you don't have to tell me" I surrendered "are you gonna tell him?" I asked staring to get curious "either that or I ... Show him" she told me "how do you...? Ohhhhh" I said catching on. "Hopefully he likes me back"she sighed "and if he doesn't?" "Then I move on. I think there's... Someone else for him anyway I just need to make sure he knows how I feel before his decision" she decided, I nodded. "It's time" stiles said coming into the room.
We were all in position when Lydia walked in. But no Riley. "I know your all here. Lucas get out here" she ordered. Suddenly I felt a jolt through my body forcing me to do as she said. Once I was in front of her she dropped me to the floor, causing her to look over me. "It's come to my attention that you an Riley have a connection. As the Acheri I must get rid of all connections. I must ki-" "there's something I have to tell you" footsteps indicated that she stepped forward. She kissed him. "I think I love you" suddenly Lydia's eyes turned black. Fully black. "NOOOO!" She screamed. She saw the two engaged in a kiss and saw red. They looked at her in fear "Lydia I..." Stiles started "don't bother" she answered. "I'm sorry Malia but.... IM IN LOVE WITH LYDIA" he shouted causing Lydia to pause for a second. "You...lllll....love me" Lydia stammered. "Well too bad because you can't love him back" Riley burst into the room. Woah she looked beautiful. "Riley I l-" "save it pretty boy" she laughed. "I don't love you. I don't love anybody. Just because She is weak" she said looking to Lydia "doesn't mean I am" she continued "I am stronger that love. No three words can destroy me or strip me of my powers I am incapable of such a thing as love" she finished. "No three words can change your mind then?" I said bravely stepping closer to her. "No" she said proudly. "How about.." I leaned in and kissed her. She tensed but then relaxed. I felt something change as she eased into the kiss. She suddenly shot away from me. She threw her head back and screamed. Louder than anything. Louder than anyone. Louder than a banchee. Her scream threw everybody to the wall except for Lydia. She just stood there with blood dripping from her ears. Scott covered Allison. Liam covered Maya. But Riley just kept screaming my. I saw the pain in her eyes, the tears welling. "Riley" I cried soft tears. I couldn't let her go through this pain alone. I stood up and pushed through the force of her scream. As much as it tried to push me back I made it to her. I hugged her tightly and suddenly she quietness, and then stopped. I held her in my arms before she dropped to the ground. "Riley!" Allison shouted before running over to her sisters side. I turned around to see Lydia also collapsed on the floor. "Lydia!" Allison cried again. She sobbed as Scott held her in his arms. "Let's get them to Deaton's" he suggested.

I scooped her up bridal style as stiles did the same to Lydia. Scott supported Allison and the rest of the pack followed. I will not let her die on me.

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