Its over...(part1)

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I had to watch the love of my life crumble at the sight of her only sister dying. No way of saving her. Her parents came to see Riley because they are still her family. We all sat around, watching as the blood escaped her. "I wish we could save you riles" Allison whispered to her little sister. "What about if Scott?-" stiles started. "No! He is not going to turn our baby" Mrs argent interrupted. "She's going to die mum!" Allison shouted. "She is not becoming a monster" She replied. Tears poured down Allison's face. She turned to Riley "I'm not giving up" she said before she stood up and retreated to the corner of the room.
"I have a way!" Lydia shouted, entering the room in a hurry. Everyone in the room looked at her. "When I was asleep. I saw everything Riley saw like I was her. We still have a connection, I can get to her" she revealed. "How?" I asked. "It's dangerous" Deaton interrupted "she's risking her own and Riley's lives" he continued. "Lydia. Please don't do this" stiles croaked. "She needs to help my sister!" Allison suddenly burst out. "But then you're putting both of there lives in danger" he yelled back. "But there is a chance that it will work. She has a way to help her" Allison argued back. "Stop it! Iv made up my mind" Lydia shouted, she turned to stiles "I love you but I also love Riley like she is my own sister. I can't just let her die knowing that I could have possibly saved her" she said to him. "But if it doesn't work? If you die too?" He said back. "I wouldn't be able to live without trying" she told him. He nodded his head as they both started to cry "I love you" she said. "Okay you ready?" Deaton questioned. Everyone nodded and we were given the plan.
Part 1 of 'it's over' chapter.

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