Its over (part 3)

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Sorry I haven't updated I have had a serious case of writers block. This is the final chapter of my story.

Riley's POV
All of the pain was taking over. My body being controlled by this demon and Lydia having to stay in the light but she had an idea. Something great.
"Get some rest Riles, you need your energy" Lydia suggested. I nodded but knew that I wouldn't sleep. Lydia was putting her life at risk for me, my family is home and Lucas... I see the way he looks at her... But he looks at me the same. What does that look mean? He likes me, I know that but if he looks at her the same way then maybe he likes her...
"Lydia?" I whispered into the darkness. "Yeh sweetie?" She replied softly. "Do you think Lucas maybe likes someone else?" I questioned, silence surrounded us. "Well I know he likes you" she said. "Yes but he gives somebody else the same look" I informed. I heard her sigh "yeh I noticed" she reached over to touch my hand "what do I do?" "You let him decide. Tell him how you feel and give him time. Maybe she doesn't like him back?" She reassures. "But I don't want him to choose me just because he can't have her" "sleep. It will all become clear when we're out of here" at this thought I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.
"Riley stop! Riley I know it's you in there" Lydia shouted.
"Riley gone" the dreaded voice spoke.
"No...I'm NOT!" I yelled, fighting the inner beast. I pushed through to see Lydia "it's time" she stated. I nodded at her.
Lydia screamed forcefully pushing me back and hitting the floor. I landed in the light and nothing happened...yet.
Lydia screamed out to my demon to show itself and I felt it reacting. My body turned inside out but we were only half way through the transition when it started to hurt. The light was burning me as we planned. My blood boiled, my brain curdled. Everything inside me changed.

Allison POV.
They still hadn't returned. I can't lose my sister and my best friend. I had already lost my parents. "Alli...son" she murmured. I looked up to my sister. "Allison" she said fully. I jumped up and looked from her to Lydia who were both waking up. Everyone surrounded us and greeted them. "Thank god I was so worried" I said to them both. Riley and Lydia looked at eachother smiling and sat up. "Riley?" A tear stained Lucas entered the room. Riley smiled "can I speak to you?" She asked him. She tried to get to her feet but that was when we all noticed the blood. Blood was pooling around her, she was still dying. "Scott" I cried looking at him. "Riley, you're dying" I informed her she looked at me "what? I thought I was okay now?" She started to cry. "Scott can help. He can turn you" I told her. She looked hesitant "Scott?" Riley looked at him as if clarifying it was okay.
He opened his jaw and snapped it down on Riley's arm which shocked her and I could see the pain although it was gone as quickly as it arrived.

Riley POV
I healed quickly after the bite. I am now a werewolf. There was a chance I would die from it but I was already dying so I had to take the risk. But now it's time to speak to Lucas and it was going to be so hard.
We left the others and sat in a private area.
"I'm so happy your alive" he started off. "Yeh same" I replied bluntly.
"Okay. What's up?" He asked. I sighed "it's just the way you look at me" I say. "Like you're my world? Is that a problem?" he chuckled.
"Well, it shouldn't be but iv seen you look at someone else like that" I say. He gulped "what? I don't look at anyone like that. Who would I look at like that?" He rambled on.
"Maya. Do you like her Lucas?" I forced out.
"I like you Riley" he told me.
"I know but do you like Maya too?" I questioned. He rubbed his forehead.
"I don't know. Maybe, it's just she always there and she's a great person" he gave in. I looked down to the floor "please don't be sad Riley" he begged lifting my head up.
"I'm not. It's fine, I understand I love Maya and you do too. But what happens now?"
"Nothing has to change. Nothing has changed" he tried to convince me. "Everything has changed Lucas, were in a triangle with my bestfriend" I said. "Wait what?" Maya says as she enters. "Lucas, you like me?" She said shyly. "Yeah. He does" I tell her. I see a small smile appear but she tried to hide it. "And you still like Riley?" "Yeh I do" he said. "So what happens now?"
"We figure this out"
"I don't know"

That is the end of this story. I know it is rubbish but still. Anyway I wanted to leave it on a bit of a cliff hanger although this one isn't a very good one. Sorry guys :(

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