The darkness

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His lips were like a... A tether. They dragged me back to reality. They released me from the demon that was living inside me. But it wasn't that easy. Nothing is ever that easy.
Pain welled up inside me, forcing me to scream. I surprised myself as well as everyone else. I don't remember the rest. Just darkness.

"What's happened to them?" I cried with no hope left inside me. "Well it seems that the demon inside Riley has left but made sure that Riley would suffer" Deaton explained. "And Lydia?" I asked "she will be fine but Riley..." He paused "but Riley what?!" I demanded. A warm pair of hands cupped my shoulders "calm down Alli I won't let anything happen to Riley" Scott reassured me. "Is she going to die?" I said with tears streaming down my face. "It's a possibility" "how will we know if she is going to?" Lucas cut in. "Well, she will bleed from her ears, her nose, her mouth. Her skin will turn pale and if she wakes up all form of life will be stripped away. Her voice will be crispy and her breaths will be minimal" Deaton told us all. Maya let out a sob. "How long will she have?" She asked. "A few hours" he replied sadly. "I'll leave you all alone" he said exciting the room. I kneeled down between two of the most important people in my life. "Please wake up. Please be okay" I begged. Lydia shot up and took in a long, deep breath. She looked around at every body. "I'm so sorry" she soon said. I engulfed her in a hug "guess I'm forgiven" she laughed before returning the gesture. I released her from my grip and she looked to stiles "and you, told me something" he scratched the back of his head as she stepped towards him. "I love you too" she whispered pulling him into a kiss. Jackson let out a light cough making us all turn to him. "Yeh. I'm still your boyfriend" he said angrily. "No. Your not. You're dumped" Lydia casually told him. "Jackson whittemore does not get dumped. I am not the dumpee, I am the dumper!" He bellowed. Lydia laughed and then turned around and give stiles another passionate kiss. I faced Riley again but she still hadn't woken up. I wrapped my arms around her fragile body. "Mum and dad aren't going to forgive me Riley. You are my only family, I need you. Please come back to me" I whispered as tears fell from my face. I looked up at her but still no movement. Just blood dripping from her ear. Wait! "Blood. That means-" I fell to the floor with my hands in my knees "she can't die! She's my only family. She can't" I screamed as Scott took me in his arms. "Come on" he suggested taking me into another room to talk.

I stepped towards my dying best friend "hey Riles. Remember what we talked about? I'll make sure they don't take the ring off of your corpse" I laughed as I started to cry. "Riley your my best friend. I don't think I can do this with out you. If this is my world now, I want you in it" I whispered. "Just wake up so that we can all say good bye please" I begged. Still nothing. Just her face turning paler and paler.

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