I love you

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I followed the possessed Lydia reluctantly. I knew I had to save the people I care about.. Whatever it took.
The thing that was bugging me most was the questions. I needed to know what Lydia had to do with it? Who was possessing her? Why me?... But they would all be answered once I arrived at Theo's. Oh I hope Allison and the others are oka- "we're here" the deep voice of who ever was inside Lydia spoke. I nodded my head and opened the large door In front of me. It was a dark hallway leading towards a deep red door. I gulped and stepped through the door and made my way to the room Theo was in. 'Lydia' was walking behind me and for a second I saw her eyes. They weren't her normal eyes. They were black...fully black. "Who are you?" I asked her. She turned to me quickly and looked me in the eyes which made my skin tingle and send fear shuddering through my body. "I'm Zelena. I work for the devil who's blood you will be drinking" she filled me in. We reached the red door and I looked at Zelena "all your answers are in there. Let's go" she ordered. I took a deep breath and twisted the door knob. I was about to push the door open when I was interrupted. It was my phone, I pulled it out and saw the caller ID. It was a photo of me and Allison. "Don't answer it" Zelena grunted. "Please just let me tell her I love her" I begged. "Fine. After this you will have no love left" she cackled. I pressed the answer button and braught the phone to my ear. "Riley? Riley where are you?!" I heard Allison yell through her end. A tear rolled down my face at the sound of her voice. "I..I'm fine Alli just know that I love you" I whispered. "What? What do you mean? Where are you Riles" she questioned. I heard her voice croaking from crying. "Okay that's enough" Zelena spoke. "Wait. Who was that? Riley tell me now!" Allison shouted. "Iv got to go Alli. I love you" I whispered. I moved the phone from my ear. "What's going on?" I heard a familiar voice coming from the other end. I lifted the phone back up. "Let me speak to Maya" I demanded. "Tell me where you are" Allison cried. "Please. Give the phone to Maya" I pleaded. I heard a lot of shuffling around on the line before her voice came "Riley?" She asked smoothly. "Maya. Can you promise me something?" I asked quickly. I heard a few mutters knowing that she told the others what was being said. "What is it Riley?" She whispered. "Take care of Allison. She's going to need someone there for her" I said closing my eyes and breathing in. "Promise me" I said. She gulped before answering "I promise Riles" I sighed "okay I have to go Peaches. I love you" I muttered. I removed the phone and ended the call. "Ring power" I whispered before putting the phone in my pocket and opening the red door.

"Ring power" I whispered while a tear fell from my face and hit the hard floor. My hand dropped as I braught the phone away from my ear. She wanted me to look after Allison, that means something is about to happen. "Did she tell you where she is?" Allison asked desperately. "No" I whispered in a small, raspy voice. "What did she say then? She must have told you something. Tell me" she cried. All I wanted to do was break down but Riley said Allison would need me so I had to stay strong. "Nothing. She just told me that she loved me" I mumbled. "We... We h..have to find her" Allison stuttered. "We will" Scott said. Allison looked into his deep eyes. "Really?" She asked. Her eyes had pools of tears around them. He nodded and she smiled up at him. "Her phone" I said. Everyone looked at me confused. "Her phone has a tracking app incase she lost it" I informed them. "What about a password. We don't have one" Lucas said. "She gave it me" I told them all. "Okay then what are we waiting for?" Allison remarked. I pulled out my phone and typed in the password. "That's where she is" I said pointing to the red arrow on my screen.

Next chapter will be up soon. And I want to include a little romance in this too so hope for that in a few chapters.

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