What the hell?!

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"I love you so much Allison" "I love you too Scott" she leaned in for a kiss and I realised she was my world. My first love. The only person I have ever loved. I love Allison argent.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Who's doing that?" I groaned. 'Tap tap'
Wait this isn't part of my dream. I jumped up looking around in my room. My vision was blurry at first from just waking up but it soon cleared up. Wait there's no one in here? I laid back down to return to my sleep. "Scott" someone whispered. There is defiantly someone there. "Pssst Scott it's me" the voice hissed from behind me. "Me? Who's me?" I asked in my sleepy state. I slowly turned around. There's no one here. I was looking out of my window where I had heard the voice. "Hello?" I whispered into the darkness. "Hey" it casually replied. I jumped up and leaned closer to my open window. A rustle came from the tree as I looked up. Stiles fell and hung in front of me causing me to scream loudly. "Hey hey shhh" he said trying to muffle my screams as he hung upside down. "What are you doing?" I shrieked. "I heard a noise" he replied. "In the tree?!" He shook his head. "No at my house" he remarked. My jaw hung open. "So what are you doing, in a tree?!" I yelled. "I was scared" I furrowed my eyebrows "your dads the sherif?" I pointed out. He opened his mouth in a thinking trance. "But your a were wolf" he muttered. "Ugh your lucky my mums working a late shift" I told him shaking my head. "Actually Scott" he started. I turned around "yeh I came to let you know I was let out early but it seems your pre-occupied. See normally I would freak out but I really don't want to know what's going on here" my mum observed. "Can you help me down now? The bloods rushing to my head, I'm seeing stars" stiles interrupted. I looked at him "your looking at the night sky?" I told him whilst pulling him into my room. "What are you really doing here?" I questioned him once he got settled on his feet. "I was up all night researching for what the girls could be. I was mostly up all night because I couldn't find my pillow and-" he muttered "get to the point stiles its.." I looked to my clock "3:00 am" I growled "okay okay I'll tell you this and then you can get back to dreaming about Allison" he teased in a smoothly voice. "anyway I found out what they are" he announced. "What?" "Yeh. I rang Allison and found out what her parents told her and I did research into it and found out that they are two different things. Riley, is a special child. She was fed demon blood once she was born due to a deal her parents made" he explained. I stopped him "so basically Mr and Mrs Argent sold their child to the devil?" Stiles puffed out his cheeks and let them deflate "yep basically. Anyway Lydia is an Acheri, she teaches the special child how to use her powers and there only purpose is to kill" he babbled. "Well that doesn't sound good" I blurted. "How do we stop them?" I asked. Stiles paused "I didn't get to that part yet" he disclosed. I sighed. So basically now the pack have 2 possessed humans walking around with witchy powers, mind control, the purpose to kill and no way to stop it... Well we're in for a big treat. "Have you seen my pillow?" Stiles called.

Now the pack have found out what they are. I'm basically just making these demons up my self so don't hate. I have a lot planned for how to kill them and blah blah blah. Basically I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to add a little sciles humour it would have been funnier on camera but yeh X

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