Close encounters

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"Hey Lydia" I greeted before taking a proper look at her. I gasped loudly "are you okay?" I asked her worriedly. She was lying now down with sweat pouring down her. She looked so sickly it scared me. "I'm fine Maya" she forced out with a fake smile. I walked closer "you're not fine Lyds what's wrong?" I anxiously questioned. She grunted as if in pain. I took a seat on her bed next to where she was. I placed my hand on hers to find a shock "oh my god Lydia your hands are freezing." I stated. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. I leant to her forehead and placed my hand on it to feel for a temperature to discover she was burning up. How could this be? Her hands were freezing, her body was burning and she was shaking. "Lydia you're not going to school today. Or anywhere" I smiled gently but inside I was panicking. "Here let me prop your pillow before I go" I whispered. I picked up her pillow and propped it but Lydia grabbed my wrist. It hurt. "Lydia what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Stay away from me" she grunted. "What?" "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed. "What's happening?" Allison cried as she ran into the room. "I..I don't know" I admitted whilst tears poured down my face. "GET OUT! STAY AWAY FROM ME! DO YOU HEAR ME? STAY AWAY!" She shrieked tightening the grip on my wrist. Allison saw the pain it was causing me and rushed forward pulling me away from Lydia, who just kept chanting "stay away". "Come on Maya" Allison suggested. I followed her out of the room confused at what happened. "What's wrong with her? Why does she want me to stay away?" I asked Allison while still crying. She shook her head "I don't know. I'll take her to Deaton" she told me. "Okay yeh-" I began before realisation hit my face. "Why would you take her to the vet? She's human she should be going to the doctor" I informed Alli. Her eyes widened "right. The doctors that's what I meant" she stressed. "Go to school Maya I'll make sure she's okay" she smiled to me. I trusted Alli with Lydia more than anyone so I agreed and then left with a tear stained face and really bruised wrists which felt like they were burning inside.

        A L L I S O N
"I walked into the room I had heard the shouting coming from. I stood shocked at the sight. Lydia looked terrible. She was grabbing onto Maya and screaming at her. Maya looked scared and I couldn't blame her because I was too. I saw the pain on Maya and knew I had to help. I rushed forwards and grabbed Maya away. But Lydia... It's like she was.. I don't know maybe....possessed? She just kept chanting "stay away" I mean it could just be shock from the problem with what happened before or it could be something else" I told everyone as we gathered around Lydia in the clinic. "Well whatever is happening to Lydia, we need to figure it out now" Scott mumbled while looking at a trembling Lydia. "Iv never seen this before" Deaton spoke up. "I'm going to need to take a closer look at her injuries" he added. He leant closer to Lydia. Her head snapped straight to his direction. She lifted her hand to his neck and held a tight grip. "Leave me alone. ALL OF YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" She bellowed. Scott plunged forwards to stop Lydia's grip on Deaton. He got his claws out before looking at me, I nodded and looked away but I knew what he was doing. He plunged his claws into Lydia making her let out a scream which wouldn't be so bad but we were dealing with a Banchee. Her scream shattered windows and knocked everyone back. Once the force of the scream had stopped I stood up. Scott rushed over to me "are you okay?" He questioned. I nodded my head "your bleeding Alli" he told me. I felt my painful ear and found blood trickling down. "Why am I here?" Lydia suddenly piped up. We all looked at her confused. "Why do I have claw marks? Why are the windows shattered? What happened?" She asked. I looked to Scott and he looked back at me. "What are we dealing with here" Kira asked suddenly. "I don't know but whatever it is. I say we kill it" Malia suggested. I furrowed my eyebrows "and if it's human?" I asked. She looked at me like I was crazy "then we eat them" she told me as if it was the most normal thing ever. We all looked at each other and then to Lydia "Alli what happened to you?" Lydia asked almost in tears because I think she realised what must have happened. I walked closer and gave her a sympathetic smile. "I did this didn't I? I hurt you all" she broke down into tears. I threw my arms around her as she cried into my shoulder "what's happening to me?" She asked. "I don't know Lyds but we'll fix it we'll help you no matter what" I reassured. We heard the door slam and turned to look. "Did I miss anythi-" Liam started. "Never mind I think I can answer that myself" he mumbled, looking around the room to see shattered glass and blood everywhere. "I brought chicken if anyone was wondering" he told us. All of us looked at him with the 'not helping' stare. "Okay nobody was wondering" he sighed looking embarrassed. "Can we get out of here?" Lydia pleaded "sure" I smiled. "Wait can I have a sample of your blood to try and figure out what is happening" Deaton asked looking nervous of Lydia's response. She nodded "yeh" we turned to walk away. "I'm gonna need Allison's too" he added. I stopped "why do you need mine?" I questioned. "Because she made you bleed from her scream and you two share a bond so yours would be better than anyone in here's to determine whether something is affecting her Banshee
side too" he explained. I simply answered "okay" and then the whole pack left "I fell in a hole" Liam spit out randomly. "Shut up" Stiles murmured making us laugh. It's nice to know that even through hard times we can all be together and smile.

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