Plan A- it never works

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I never knew life could feel this good. No worries, no concern, nothing holding me back. I had already killed more people than I can count and it felt good. I was careless, I was reckless. I was everything I wanted to be. Lydia had been teaching me the ways of the special child. My powers were already advanced, Lydia being a banchee and an Acheri made her powers advanced and me being related to hunters and connected to the most powerful demon that has ever existed has also made my abilities advanced. That's why we were partnered up. "Will you be able to face them?" Lydia questioned whilst teaching me how to mind control. "I can face anybody" I said. "Your family? Your friends?" She asked persistently. I looked over to her "yes" I told her. "What about you? Will you be able to handle them?" I said turning the whole thing on her. "I love no one. No one loves me, nothing can hold me back" she insisted. "What about... Stiles?" I said hoping to touch a nerve. She paused "he's nothing to me" I laughed "he's something" I said. I looked at her deeply, I entered her thoughts. I whispered through my mind and sent everything I was saying into hers. She pushed the knife through her stomach. "What did you do?!" She yelled. "Oh you'll heal. Anyway iv mastered mind control" I laughed walking out of the room. "Riley!" She yelled after me. I heard a grunt meaning she had pulled the knife out. She appeared in front of me. "I can teleport to you know" I said. "Theo sent a message. It's time" she stated. "Let's go then" I said before we walked out of the warehouse we had been hiding in and to our next destination... It's about to go off.

I haven't felt like much of a leader lately. We have done nothing for Riley. It's all about to change. I called a meeting for everybody to meet me at the pet clinic. I looked around at every one."why did you call us here McCall?" Jackson asked agitated. "We have a plan" I stated. "So what? I don't care about what happens to some girl" Jackson commented. "Don't forget your girlfriend also needs saving" stiles reminded him. "I don't need her" he scoffed. "You little-" stiles yelled stepping forwards angrily. I grabbed him back. "Let's focus on the plan" I suggested. "We're going to draw Lydia and Riley to us, using Allison. They both have a strong connection to her and she knows how to protect herself" I started. "What happens if they get her?" Malia questioned. "They won't were going to be hiding so they can't see us but if anything goes wrong we can save her" I informed. She nodded as I looked to Allison and smiled. "Kira is going to take care of Theo along with Derek" I continued. Kira and Derek both nodded. "Isaac whilst I help stiles, Liam and Lucas get to a room where we are going to keep Lydia and Riley, you're going to protect Allison" he smiled. "Jackson you are going to use your Kanima venom to paralyse them both" I said. Deaton entered the room. "You can't use Kanima venom on them. It will kill them" he told us. "But isn't that what we want to do? Kill the demon" stiles interrupted. "Yes we want to kill the demon but the venom will kill the host too" he told us. "There is only one was to kill the demons" "what's that?" Allison questioned. "The special child, Riley In this case must break free from her duties" he announced. "How?" Lucas joined the conversation. " an anchor. She must have an emotional tether that can pull her back" he explained. "would the love of Allison be enough? A sisterly bond" Liam asked. "As strong as their bond is, no. It has to be the anchor of love" Deaton informed. "But she doesn't even have a boyfriend, how do we find someone she shares a connection like that with?" Allison remarked. "Lucas" Maya proposed. "What are you doing here Maya?" I asked. "That doesn't matter. Lucas and Riley share that bond. True love" she breathed. I looked to him "love? I don't know about love" he choked. "You told me about those moments. I saw how you looked at her and even as this demon I saw the shine in her eyes when they locked on yours. Your her anchor" Maya phrased. "She's right" Deaton interfered. "You must break her free" he revealed. "What about Lydia? How do we free her?" I fretted. "Once Riley is free, Lydia is automatically freed. Lucas you know what to do" everyone looked to Lucas. "Let's go" "but plan A never works. Shouldn't we make a plan B?" Stiles asked worriedly. "This is plan B, plan A was Jackson so now we're doing plan B Lucas" I replied.

This story is coming to an end now. I still have a bit more excitement to go. Sorry for keeping you waiting on an update, my life's a bit of a mess right now. Anyway enjoy what's left of this story.
This isn't edited btw.

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