The Special child & The Acheri

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"Took you long enough" Theo called once I had opened the door. "Well I'm here now" I responded in a sassy tone. "And you brought the Banchee as requested" he commented. "Okay let's get you strapped in Zelena" he mumbled. "Why are you strapping her up?" I asked now getting panicky. "We need her to be Lydia for the transition so Zelena will need to exit her body and Lydia won't agree with what we're doing" Theo informed me. He tightened the straps around Zelena and told me to stand beside her. "Okay Zelena out you come" he mumbled. Lydia's body jolted and jiggled before her eyes turned black. "What's happening to her?" I asked. Theo ignored me before everything stopped. Lydia I took a deep breath and opened her eyes. They were normal again. "Riley. Don't do it, don't drink the blood" she begged. "They will kill you and the others" I clarified. "There lying. They can't kill them, they're we-" Theo jammed the vile down Lydia's throat. I gasped as blood dribbled down her chin and her face changed to a dark colour. Her eyes were black again and under her eyes were red marks. I cried trying to move but Theo has also tied me up. "Your turn" he revealed, ramming the other vile into my mouth. I felt an electric pain surging through my body. I felt power flowing with in my blood. I felt every emotion flip on and off. I felt a rush. I felt a need. A need to kill...
I looked to Lydia and smirked. "What happened?" I questioned. Theo chuckled "your what you was meant to be all along. Your the special child" he told me. I raised my brow "and her?" "She's the Acheri, your teacher" he responded. "I must teach you your abilities and how to use them to kill" Lydia announced. "Okay then teach me. I need to spill blood" I stated. Theo smirked an evil grin as me and Lydia looked eachother in our black eyes and spoke through mind control. "We will kill them. We will kill them all" I told her. "The were wolves, the hunter, the fox and the coyote" she replied. I laughed with darkness evident in my voice. "Let's go get em" Theo declared.

Second chapter in 1 day. No romance yet but soon there will be.

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