Its over (part2)

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I sat next to Riley's dying body and relaxed myself. I took her hand in mine and then Scott put his claws in both of our necks. I instantly fell into darkness before everything came clear. I was in Riley's mind but she was no where in sight. It was dark. There was nothing except darkness and little drops of blood as a trail, which I decided to follow. An eerie coldness loomed over my body. "Lydia" a small voice whispered. "Riley?" I called out. "Shh, she'll hear" she cries out silently. "Who? Who will hear?" I asked her still not able to see her. "There's someone else here" Riley told me. "Where are you?" I asked the darkness. "Here" she said rapping my shoulder. I jumped back and saw that what was happening outside was happening here too. The blood dripping from her the same as I saw before i came into her mind. "I don't see anybody else Riles" I said looking around. "She's in me" she revealed. "What do you mean?" "She's inside me ever since I broke from the special child curse, she comes out if she hears people or even me. She's tearing me apart from the inside look" she took her top up to her stomach. A pool of blood as large gashes cut out the words you are mine now.
Tears started to fall down my face "we're gonna get you out of here Riley" I promised her. "How? There is no way" Riley cried out. "A connection. If I can free your mind from this place we can both go back. First I need to meet her" I bit my lip. "She will kill you" Riley refused. "I can't free you from something if I don't know what it is, I can handle myself" "you can't against her" she looked down. "What gets her back inside of you?" "Light. She doesn't like light and that's why she is only here she can't come out side if I leave" "there is no light here" "but there is down there" she pointed down a long hallway. "Okay then let's get her out of here" I took a deep breath and shot out an ear piercing scream. I felt the ground underneath me shake. I saw Riley's face change. I saw her.

This is not good. This can't be good. Scott can't do anything because he's joining there minds. Allison is crying. There is no other werewolf except Lucas and he's to torn to help. I ran over to my paralysed friends. The blood evident on now Lydia's face as well as Riley's. I saw Riley grow weaker as her face grey paler and the blood pool around her. I saw blood on her too and saw the words you are mine now. Engraved on her body. Riley started to shake as I took her hand to calm her down. I heard something. A scream. Lydia's scream. I could hear her mind. I looked to Lydia as her head dropped and she was entering the same state as Riley of pale skin and bloody body. Her eyes were fully open and blood shot. I grabbed her head "you can do this, you're strong. Lydia? Lydia." I took a deep breath "LYDIA!" I shouted at her lifeless body making everyone turn to me. I felt a jolt in her body as the colour started to returned to her body. She is fighting this.

I was running away from whatever she was. She was fast and strong. She had cut my arms with just her hand. No weapon. No claws. She just touched me. This girl is dangerous. She was close to me now, as I lurked around the corner I lost sight of her. "Peek-a-boo" she said from beside me. I screamed and started to run again but she grabbed my arm causing it to burn. She didn't let go, she just let it burn. "LYDIA!" Someone shouted it sounded like Liam. I snapped out of it and realised that I can fight I just need to get to the light. I stepped forwards taking a hold onto her arm at the same time. I caused a reaction that meant she got burnt to. She pulled off of my arm and growled. She charged at me but I used the training Allison had taught me. She taught me how to fight, how to protect myself. In the end I had left her on the floor. I ran towards the light and she followed. Suddenly the blinding colour hit and I had to cover my eyes but I knew that she was gone. It was now Riley. "Oh you're ok" she gasped bringing me into a hug. "I know how to get you home. Just hold tight until then" I told her.

I'm sorry it took so long to update. I wrote this a while ago and thought that I had already published it.
Anyway part 3 will have to wait for now but I will update after a little break.

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