Chapter 2

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It took them almost a month to reach back where they had met, and another two weeks after to reach Gandalf's friend.

He was less than pleased.

"Gandalf! You cannot allow....allow this monster to stay with me!" He said, brandishing his staff at a stunned Selene.

"Relax Radagast, Selene is no threat to you or-"

"No threat? She is Blackfoot! One of the most feared-"

"I know, but she has changed. I wouldn't have thought it possible either, but it is true." Gandalf pressed his hand down on the end of Radagast's staff, ignoring Selene's growl at the mention of that name. "Over these last couple of months, I have taught her more than what I would've ever thought possible. She is adjusting well to speech and how to communicate with people, err, right Selene?"

"Yes." She said nervously, not entirely sure of the smaller wizards reaction. "Still...learning."

"See? She is alright Radagast, it won't be for long." Gandalf stared at his friend gently. "Please, I would not be asking if it wasn't serious."

Radagast sighed reluctantly. "Alright, but if she kills anything, she is gone."

They move away talking, Selene stands there awkwardly for a moment before a scent caught her nose. Turning, she sees some rabbits cautiously watching her.

She approaches slowly and they back away with frightened squeaks. Frowning, she crouches down, she'd never liked the taste of rabbit, she was more curious about the small critters than anything. They stare at her wide eyed.

Radagast notices and goes to rush forward, but Gandalf stops him, grabbing his arm.

Selene edges forward, holding her hand forward carefully. Her silver eyes stare at the rabbits, unblinkingly. It seems to ease them, one of them slowly hopping forward, sniffing the air.

She holds dead still as the rabbit sniffed at her hand, even nibbling at her fingers. A small smile crept to her lips as she moves her hand and pats the rabbit on its head, and, to both wizards astonishments, all the other rabbits came over, snuggling in close.

Smiling almost absently, she quite happily just sat, patting the rabbits.

"I...she can stay Gandalf." Radagast said quietly. "Just try not to be too long."

"Of course not, my friend." He replies, just as quiet, still watching Selene. It was a side he had not seen and was honestly stunned.

After a few more moments, Gandalf said his farewells and Selene and Radagast were left alone.

It was a few months before they saw Gandalf again, and while Selene and Radagast were friends, they'd had a few arguments, mostly about her wolf, she was no threat, but her wolf was just a little intimidating.

Both were a little dismayed when Gandalf said that he was only passing through, Selene was getting agitated, she felt wrong being here and wanted to explain it to Gandalf but he didn't have time to listen. Radagast was also annoyed, he was used to being out here on his own, they usually kept their distance from each other, but it was hard sometimes, especially when she was still learning to speak properly.

"Frustrating wizards." She growled as Gandalf disappeared.

"Don't start." Radagast snapped, storming away.

One thing they did share was a common love for animals. Despite her predatory nature, Selene was very kind to all the animals in the forest, even in wolf form, although it tended to make the animals scatter first. Despite that, she seemed to be able to naturally communicate with them, Radagast had thought that he would need to teach her, but she proved day after day that she knew what she was saying to them, the rabbits especially taking a liking to her.

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