Chapter 14

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Something was overwhelming Selene's senses when she stirred. It was a smell, something that as stirring the rest of her body. Realising it was close, she nuzzled closer to it, still mostly asleep.

Her lips touched skin and taste matched smell. She started to taste more and a groan met her ears.

Fingers entwined in her hair and she almost purred, but there was no encouragement in the grip, instead, it tugged her a way.

This time, she growled.


Selene opened her eyes and her gaze snapped up to meet a very tired Thorin.

Slowly, it dawned on her what she had been doing.

Thorin gave a chuckle at the mortified expression on her face and kissed her forehead affectionately.

"Don't look so horrified Selene, the expression doesn't suit you."

Selene's face was red, and it deepened even further when she realised how close they were, their legs tangled together, his arms wrapped around her and her arms pressed into his chest.


He kissed her forehead again, stopping her sentence. "You were asleep, there was no harm done."

But she still squirmed uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, Thorin. I don't know what came over me."

Thorin, however, was already settling back down, his eyes shutting. "Don't worry about it."

"I could've bitten you."

He reopens one eye. "But you didn't. Go back to sleep."

"But it's morning." Selene didn't need to see the light coming in through the window to know that. Her body had adjusted to set times, and it usually didn't matter how much or little sleep she had had, that was when she was up.

"Early morning, and I'm still very tired." He grumbles, shutting his eye again. "Enjoy it, it won't happen often."

His soft snores quickly filled the room again and Selene realised that there was no chance she was going anywhere as he was holding her still, so, with a silent sigh, she nuzzles back into his chest and, surprisingly, lets herself drift back to sleep.

There was a lot of arguing later that morning about who was going to go and see where Thorin had got to. Unknown to both Thorin and Selene, bets had been made on whether or not they would get together, some of the older dwarves knowing for a fact what was going on, while some of the others disagreed. It wasn't until Gandalf and Beorn came in and asked where they were, was a decision made.

Poor Fili and Kili were roped into going to check, and both returned with bright red faces of embarrassment, explaining that they were asleep in the bed together. There was scattered laughter and several coin purses thrown around, but then serious discussions began on whether or not it actually meant anything. It was when Thorin came out grumbling at them, mused from sleep, that discussion felt silent.

Thorin stared at the sheepish faces and he frowns. "What?"

Selene had followed yawning, a slight limo still in her step, but she froze when she found all eyes move to her and Thorin. "Um...why are you all staring?"

"That's what I just asked them." Thorin grumbled. "But they seem to be reluctant to answer."

That was when the braid was noticed in Selene's hair.

It was almost as if a wave of relief went through a lot of the dwarves and there was scattered laughter.

Selene tilts her head as Thorin shakes his head.

"Must you all be so childish?" He grumbles, moving to the table.

"In all fairness Thorin," Dwalin chuckles. "A lot of us had given up on you finding your one."

Thorin rolls his eyes. "Thanks."

This causes a little more laughter, especially from Dwalin.

"None of us could have expected it to be a skin changer though, that one's a definite surprise." He winks at Selene but she wasn't listening.

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