Chapter 25

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Selene paced along the wall, a growl leaving her, her amber eyes taking in the battle below.

It hadn't gone how she had hoped.

It was like as soon as the morning had broken, Thorin had retreated back into the darkness.  She had stood on the wall with them, but hidden off to the side, simply listening and not daring to try and do anything, her wolf almost breaking through.

Then the Arkenstone had been revealed and Thorin had threatened Bilbo.  It had taken everything she had not to rush over and help, knowing that Thorin would not take it kindly, everything feeling so fragile.  Instead, she had shrunk back and whimpered, her hands shaking.

Gandalf had saved him and then called for her.

But Selene didn't dare move, earning her more than a few worried looks.

The thing that got Selene out was the sound of Azog's horn.

She had shoved out past several of the dwarves to look up at Ravenhill, just making out Azog high on top, and the growl that rolled through her had many of the dwarves backing away, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the wall.

If Blackfoot did indeed come back, she would make sure that she would at least kill Azog.

But then Thorin had told them to stay put.

Which was why she was now pacing the wall.

She felt caged, agitated, the wolf wanting release but not willing to go against Thorin's direct order.  Instead, she waited, she was their first line of defence if things went wrong, her eyes flashing between amber and red, constantly flicking between the battlefield and where Azog was on Ravenhill directing the battle below.

The dwarves below watched her anxiously.

"This isn't good."  Fili said, watching as she started another length along the wall.  "Selene is much too close to this, if we aren't careful-"

"She is following Thorin's order."  Dwalin growled.  "She will only turn if those bastards get in here, she isn't going to leap down into the battle unless told."

"Dwalin's right lad," Balin said as Fili went to argue.  "Selene's being protective, that last turn from him, it's taken a heavy toll on her."

"Heavy toll is understatement."  Bofur said grimly.  "Her talk last night looked like it had done some good, now..."

They fell silent, watching her again.

Another growl left her as another horn blow echoed across the field, she didn't have time to focus on the darkness in the back of her mind now, she was mostly wolf and all her wolf wanted to do was to charge out at those orcs.

"This is madness."  Dwalin finally snapped, turning and marching from the hall.

"Where are you going?"  Balin called after him.

"To set this bastard straight!"  Dwalin yelled back.  "Selene, and none of us, deserve this!"

Memories of previous battles seemed to burn in Selene's mind and she felt the familiar adrenaline starting to course through her.

The need to kill was a dangerous thing.

Selene knew she was too close to the edge.  Without warning she brought her hand to her mouth and bit hard with an angry growl, her canines burying deep.

For a long moment, she stood like that, breathing deeply, the coppery taste of her blood filling her mouth.  She hadn't had to do this in a long time.

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