Chapter 7

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Selene grew more and more frustrated as they ran, having to keep her pace with them instead of bolting ahead as she knew she could. It had also been difficult to keep her wolf in check, it had been a long time since it had seen the freedom of plains like this and with the thrill of the hunt in the air, it was hard to control.

They stopped, Radagast still weaving in and out of rocks, when she froze and looked up, an orc on his warg above them.

Thorin had followed her gaze and nodded to Kili. Kili took the shot.

The unearthly howl that went through the warg as they came crashing down made Selene wince. There was no way that the others didn't hear that.

"Run." She said before another howl went out. "Run!"

The orc pack was hot on their heels as they ran now, quickly catching up and corning then against a large rock formation. All of them had their weapons drawn and Selene was itching for a fight, anything to ease the tension.

A warg charged and she leapt precariously ahead, not letting it close to the company, and quickly took off its head. Others converge as well, Kili covering her, but she could only hold so many at bay, others charging the dwarves.

"This way you fools!" Gandalf called but she barely heard it, more interested in gutting the orc she had just flung off his warg.

"Kili! Selene!" This shout got her attention and she saw Thorin standing there hastily beckoning them over, Kili already running.

A warg was charging at him and Selene knew that the young dwarf would never make it, so with all her strength, she threw her sword, taking out the warg with a startled yelp but the momentum was still enough to knock Kili down.

With a growl of frustration, Selene drew the sword on her back and took out another that had gotten to close before bounding over to Kili. She yanks out her other sword, shoves it into Kili's startled hands before picking him up and sprinting. She had just long to see Thorin's startled expression before they leapt down the hole, Selene only just managing to maintain balance before letting Kili go, his face bright red.

A horn sounded above them and they all looked up as there were horse's hooves thundering above them and a loud squeal before an orc landed dead at their feet.

Thorin bent down and pulled the arrow out if the orcs neck. "Elves." He spat.

"I don't care who it is, as long as they just saved our arses." Selene said and started down through the cave, following the smell of fresh air. To say she was angry, was an understatement, but she could not risk allowing her wolf freedom in such an enclosed space.

Kili caught up to her first, his face still red. "Err, did you want your sword back?"

"Hmm, oh, thanks." She sheaths both the swords but continues to walk even though Kili clearly wanted to say more.

She breaks through into an opening and stops, taking in a deep breath as she feels a wave if magic wash over her, Rivendell before her.

The Company followed and all stood in awe, Bilbo stood next to her, his mouth slightly open. The only one who didn't seem impressed, was Thorin.

"This was your plan all along? To seek refuge with our enemy?"

Gandalf couldn't help but roll his eyes. "You have no enemies here Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will you'll find in this valley is that which you bring yourself."

Thorin huffed and looked away.

Gandalf kept talking but Selene wasn't listening, she felt strange, almost subdued, her wolf whimpering in the back of her mind. Her breathing has slowed and for the first time since she had started this journey, it was almost as if things were starting to make sense.

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