Chapter 16

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They reached the forests edge after a few more days travel and it was very clear that Selene was agitated.

She stood, almost dead still, staring at the forest while the others unpacked the horses.

Gandalf stepped next to her.  "We are a long way from the fortress Selene."

"I know."  Her eyes scan the trees.  "But I can still feel it.  The forest is...sick, and I'm not sure if we should be trespassing here."

"We have little choice."  Gandalf then moves ahead, following a well hidden path through.

Selene doesn't move, unsure of how to react to this.

The dwarves were busy behind her, making sure they had everything they needed.

She was about to turn and help, just to distract herself, when a flash of pain went through her.  She gave a yelp, clutching her head with a growl.

Thorin was there. "Are you alright?"

She shook her head, shaking off the pain.  "Fine.  Although that wasn't very pleasant."

Gandalf comes back from the forest.  "You felt that?"

"Yeah, what was it?"  She asked.

"An old enemy."  He said darkly and then looks over at Nori, who was starting to pull the gear off Gandalf's horse.  "Not my horse, I need it."

Selene stares at him as Bilbo looks terrified.

"You're not leaving us?"  He asked.

"I would not do so unless I absolutely had to."  He looks at Selene.  "Keep them on the path Selene.  You know this forest better than anyone here."

She frowns.  "It was a long time ago Gandalf."

"And you can manage."  He hurries over to his horse.  "Remember, no matter what happens, stick to the path."

Selene refrains from growling as she watches Gandalf ride away, instead focusing on the forest ahead of her.  She lets out a slow breath as she feel eyes rest on her.

"Come on, the sooner we get through this forest, the better."  She stepped forward, leading the way into the ever darkening forest.

The first few days seemed to pass easily, although no one was comfortable in the silence of the forest.  Everyone barely talked because when they did, it sounded so loud compared to the silence around them, Selene was a little amazed that the dwarves managed it.

She was still tense though, she was the only one that didn't sleep when night came, even though the others slept little, she made sure she stayed awake.

Her senses were sharp enough that she knew there wasn't complete silence.

It had taken a little to get used to the creaks and cracks of distant branches, and then a little longer to work past them to hear the other noises.

And it was those she did not like.

The movements themselves were subtle, slow and steady, and occasionally clicks would intercede them.

And they were getting closer.

Selene didn't tell the others this, even as they continued deeper into the forest, she didn't want to scare them more than what they already were.  Not that she said that out loud either, because she knew they would deny it.

But she could smell it.

It bothered her, after all, it was the first time she really paid attention to it, and for some reason she had built it up that the dwarves were rather fearless, to be proven otherwise was a little unsettling.

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