Chapter 15

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Selene's was not happy when she was finally allowed off the horse the first night. Several of them ended up helping her down because her legs had cramped badly and Thorin and Dwalin helped steady her as she hobbled over to where they made camp.

She refused to sit down though. "Look, I've been stuck on a damn horse all day, the last thing I feel like doing is sitting."

"Selene, just sit and get the feeling back in your legs first-"

"No. It is better this way." She spent a good ten minutes just trying to walk before the feeling slowly returned. As she glared angrily at the horses, she made a decision. "I am not getting back on a horse."

Thorin sighed from across the camp. "Selene, we've already discussed this, you can't shift to keep up."

"Well, there's only one way to know that properly, isn't there?" She snapped and before anyone could stop her, she stormed away.

"Selene!" Thorin called after her but she ignored him.

She found a secluded spot and stripped off, changing just as Thorin caught up.

He folds his arms. "That's hardly appropriate."

Selene rolls her eyes, even as her back leg trembles slightly. It was hurting but the wound hadn't reopened. She stretches with a yawn.

Thorin's gaze never left her. "Are you alright?"

She nods and then trots around him to prove a point.

He folds his arms. "And if you had hurt yourself again?"

Selene huffs and then nuzzles him, his hands running through her fur, he still look less than impressed but his fingers find the bead still firmly in her hair. "Well, at least we know it stays."

She licks his cheek and then bounds away with a happy yap, causing Thorin to shake his head.

Selene stayed as her wolf a while, glad that she had her freedom back. Fili and Kili had thought it a good time to try and play a joke on her, but instead they found themselves running with her nipping at their heels while the others roared with laughter.

It was as it was getting late and they were arguing over who was going to be on watch that Selene sat up from where she'd been laying, her ears up listening.

Thorin stopped mid sentence. "What is it?"

A tense silence fell over the company but there was no danger. Selene tilted her head and sniffed the air.

Something about this place, it suddenly seemed familiar.

Following her nose, Selene began to walk away.

"Selene!" Thorin called after her but she was too distracted now, following the smell.

Thorin followed, Gandalf, Bilbo and Dwalin joined him.

The sound of running water got her attention and with a few quick bounds, she suddenly froze.

A stream was before her, a high waterfall giving current to the water which was starting to freeze.

Selene shudders. She knew this place. This was where she had first turned back.

The others approached, staring between her and the water.

Gandalf was the one to notice her solemn expression.

"This was where you first turned back, wasn't it?" He asked quietly.

Selene's gaze meets his and she lowers her head.

Gandalf gives a kind smile. "That path is well behind you Selene."

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