Chapter 3

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It was a little over six months when Gandalf returned and he simply told her to meet him in the Shire in several days, looking out for his symbol, before hurrying off again.

Knowing Gandalf as she did, she packed light, but with all her necessities, including a very new sword strapped to her hip, while her old, newly sharpened, was strapped to her back.

While Selene was preparing to leave Bree, Gandalf had made his way to the Shire and bothered poor Bilbo Baggins and told the company of dwarves about the meeting place. Just as night was settling, they started to arrive. It didn't take long for Bilbo's little house to be full of dwarves and he was running around frantically while Gandalf tried to keep the hobbit calm.

It was after most of them had been fed that there was another knock on the door. Thorin Oakenshield had arrived.

"Gandalf. I thought you'd said this place was easy to find, I lost my way, twice." He grumbled as he entered, greeting his kin with a smile.

Introductions were said and as Thorin went to move away so they could begin discussions, Gandalf realised that Selene was missing.

"Err, before we begin, we are actually still waiting on someone." He explained, earning a dark look from Thorin.

"You did not mention you had invited another." He said.

"Well, no, because it wasn't until recently that I decided to ask her-"

"Her? Gandalf, we do not need the distraction of a woman in this company, nor do we need the responsibility of looking after her if things go wrong." Thorin was angry at the wizard, but Gandalf remained adamant.

"I assure you she is more than capable of looking after herself, I wouldn't be surprised if she saves your lives more than you save hers." As Thorin's gaze darkens further, he quickly adds. "She is a gifted warrior that is all I'm saying."

"That does not mean she will not be a distraction." Thorin snarls. "We do not need her help."

Selene herself was outside, she had been pretty much since the dwarves started arriving, but she couldn't bring herself to go inside. About half way to the Shire she had realised the direction her instinct was leading her had changed and now, standing outside the little hobbit hole, she realised it was here.

All the years that she had chased it, had wandered around aimlessly looking for it, and now, it was right here.

And she was terrified.

She had no idea what it meant, no idea what this instinct was leading her to, and now that she was confronted by it, she had no idea what to do.

What would going in there mean?

She stared at the door through the darkness, her eyes glinting in the dark. She had to make a decision soon, she could hear them arguing inside about her, and while a part of her was gritting her teeth at the dwarves indignation, another part believed he was right.

A cool breeze brushed along her face and she stiffened.


This close to the Shire? Why? They had never been this close before, they were probably just at the border. She sniffs the air. It was a small group, maybe two or three. Scouts. She growled into the night, those orcs had to die, but she could not take them down with the pack she had on her shoulders.

Ignoring her fear now, the urge to protect overwhelming it, Selene marched to the door and knocked, there was a moment silence before Gandalf answered.

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