Chapter 27

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It was the first word that came to her, that she felt incredibly heavy, her body unwilling to move.


This made her feel sick.  Her body protesting against slowly coming awake.  Her leg in particular seemed the worst, closely followed by her ribs.

But there was something else too, something her mind couldn't quite focus on, that eluded her as she tried to grip it.

Painfully slow, Selene opened her eyes.  The world slowly swam into focus, a stone ceiling above her, different shades of green, blue and black glistening across its surface.

Then the sound came in.  Somewhere, water dripping.  Drip.  Drip.  Drip.

She blinked.

Closer, there was a fire crackling, now that she thought about it, the room was not cold, her face warm and her body even warmer under several layers of blankets.

Distant again were the faint sound of voices, busy working, hurrying about whatever task they had been given, she could hear the moving of stone, the cries of pain of the injured.

Selene frowned.  She felt as if she was missing something.

Apart from the fire, her room was silent.

Carefully, she turned her head, the room still a little dusty, looking like it had been cleaned in haste, but apart from her, she was the only one here.  She looked the other way but only saw much the same.

She drew in a careful breath, her chest hurting for more reasons than her broken ribs.


Her wolf joined her in her wakefulness, suddenly alert now that she had finally realised what she was missing.

She reached out and found him still in a deep slumber, his body in as much pain as hers, causing her to whimper even as she gave a sigh of relief.

The door opened and she watched Beorn duck inside.

He smiled when he saw she was awake.

"We were beginning to worry."  He said, shutting the door and sitting by her bed.  "Neither of you have been looking particularly good."

Selene went to talk but her mouth felt fuzzy, her tongue to thick.  Beorn understood and poured her a glass of water, carefully lifting her head so she could drink.

She still took a moment.  "Thanks."  Her voice cracked and she winced. "How-"

"Two weeks."  Beorn said, understanding.  "Thorin has stirred, but not awoken.  However, it is a good sign you are awaken, I have little doubt he will be far behind."

Selene nods and stares back at the ceiling, thinking.

"He will be fine."  Beorn said softly.  "His wounds have been healing well, better than yours, but I'd say that he was where you've been focused."

Selene frowns.  "Why-"  She winces again.  "Why am I awake first?"

Beorn shrugs.  "It is impossible to say."  He then sniffs the air.  "Could be because the herbs have warn off."

He gets to his feet, his frame looking extra big against everything in the room, and he moves to a bowl next to the fire, grabbing a handful and throwing it in.

The familiar smell had her sigh.

Beorn sits back down.  "You may sleep again if you wish, no doubt it is painful to be awake."

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