Chapter 8

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Breakfast went quick, the dwarves more than happy that she was back on her feet and in a good mood. It was clear that they wanted to ask questions, but none of them did, carefully avoiding the topic.

They waited until Thorin had left to talk Gandalf before the first thing was brought up.

"So, how did you manage to pick up Kili lass?"

The question surprised her and she looked at Dwalin's amused expression, all the other dwarves looking at her expectantly, except Kili who looked embarrassed.


"Running from the orcs, you picked him up. How?" Dwalin asked, looking more amused by the second.

Selene was unsure how to respond to this, as she couldn't really explain how. "I guess I'm just really strong?"

He snorts. "I'm really strong lass, but that doesn't mean I can easily lift one of us."

"Well, I don't really know how else to explain it." She shrugs. "I could probably lift any of you easily."

Dwalin raises an eyebrow. "I doubt it."

Selene smiles then, deciding that this was going to be fun. "Would you like me to prove it?"

He scoffs. "I'd like to see you try."

"Is that an offer to be first Dwalin?"


Selene had stepped forward, wrapped her arms around Dwalin's waist, and lifted, his feet now dangling in the air as an almost look of shock and fear overcame his face.

The other dwarves roared with laughter as she put him back down just as easily, a cocky grin on her face. "I told you."

Dwalin's neck had turned bright red from embarrassment. "A bit of warning would've been nice." He mumbles, not entirely sure how to react to being lifted by a woman.

Balin was laughing one of the hardest at his brother's embarrassment. "Well done lass...I don't think I've seen him that embarrassed in a while."

But Selene's grin was mischievous. "Well, I'll guess I'll just have to even it up for him."

The dwarves were thrown into another fit of laughter, Dwalin included, as she dashed forward and picked Balin up this time, the same expression crossing his face as Dwalin.

However, the dwarves laughter was short lived as they realised she intended to do it to all of them. For a while, Rivendell was filled with the ruckus laughter of the dwarves as one of them was caught, often briefly interrupted with startled or frightened yelps as she caught one of them.

It was as she caught both Fili and Kili, her face flushed with the effort of both chasing the dwarves down and lifting them up, that Thorin returned, followed closely by Gandalf and Elrond.

The young dwarves had been thrown over a shoulder each but were too busy laughing to try and break free, Selene laughing away with them. None of them had noticed Thorin, Gandalf and Elrond watching with stunned expressions.

As Selene put the brothers down, both who slumped to the ground still peeling with laughter, Dwalin grinned at her.

"That was great fun lass, but you still missed one of us." He said.

Selene nods, catching her breath. "I'm aware. No offense to you Bombur, but I am hesitant to try."

Bombur, who was red from laughter, merely shrugs. "None taken, I know I'm a bit more robust than the rest of them."

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