Chapter 20

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While they were all relieved to be out of the barrels, Selene was the most thankful.  Once Bard had given them the all clear, she had all but leapt from the barrel, dragging a stunned Thorin with her, and tipping their barrel in the process.

She gasped the fresh air and coughed the smell of fish from her lungs.

Thorin helped her to her feet and looked at the others.  "Are we all alright?"

"Probably as good as we are going to be."  Dwalin growled.  "Some plan that was."

"It worked didn't it?"  Bard asked, clearly a little frustrated.  "Now, we just have to-"

"Da!"  All heads turned as a boy rushed up to them.  "Our house, it's being watched."

"Well, I hope you like the unsavoury, master dwarf,"  Bard said with a frown to Dwalin.  "Because this isn't going to be much better."

None of them liked the plan Bard had, and they were all very disgruntled once they had all climbed up out of Bard's toilet.

Selene claimed the spot closest to the fire, now very frozen and she growled whenever someone tried to talk to her, trying to solely focus on getting warm again.

Bard decided it was better to approach Thorin with clothes for her.  "These should fit her and keep her warm.  There's a room upstair she can change in."

Thorin takes them.  "Thank you.  I'm sure she'll be happy to have something on besides that coat."

Bard nods and then hesitates.  " did you exactly end up accompanied by a skinchanger?"

"It's a wizards fault mostly."  Thorin said with a grimace.  "The rest is complicated."

Bard just watches silently as Thorin moved away to Selene, helping her up and taking her upstairs.  His gaze moves to some of the other dwarves, noticing he wasn't the only one watching.

"Complicated is an understatement."  Dwalin grunts, earning him a hit from Balin, who was frowning.  "I didn't say it wasn't right.  Have you seen those two?"

"Aye, you'd think they've known each other for years,"  Gloin said but then gives a small smile.  "But that is how it works."

No one was going to argue with him, a lot of them were glad to see Thorin happy, some of them were just concerned about what would be to come.

Upstair, Thorin and Selene were unaware of this.  Thorin was waiting patiently outside the door while Selene changed, and Selene was cursing because her hands were shaking so much.

"Remind me not to get wet in cold weather again."  She growled as she struggled to pull on the clothes.

Thorin gives a small laugh.  "What?  No more skinny dipping for you?"

"Skinny-"  She realised he was talking about their time in camp a long time ago.  "That was completely different Thorin."

"Was it?  If I'm not mistaken it was still after you had turned back from your wolf."

The door opened and Selene looked unimpressed, even as rugged up as she now was, her wet coat in her arms.  "So?  There have been plenty of other times-"  She stops, seeing his expression.  "You're joking?"

Thorin smiles.  "I had to try and cheer you up somehow."

Selene rolls her eyes.  "You can hardly blame me."

"Nor would I ever think of it."  He takes her hand and pulls her over to a chair.  "Now sit."


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