Chapter 23

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Selene didn't like these darkened halls, they felt cold, lifeless, nothing like Thorin had described.  There was also a constant echoing, one that seemed to rattle her ears and throwing her senses off.

Yet she kept following Dwalin deeper.

She knew she was getting close to Thorin, this new, looming, darker presence growing stronger in the back of her mind.

A whimper left her wolf and it wasn't until Dwalin looked at her concerned, that she realised it had come out loud.

"We will figure something out."  He said softly to her.  "I promise."

Selene sniffed, fighting down the urge to run.

The vast hall they entered hurt Selene's eyes, the gold glistening in amounts that she never would've thought possible.

And there was Thorin, standing and staring in wonder in the middle.

It hit her hard then, a louder whimper leaving her as she buckled over, trying to get air into her lungs, memories flooding her.

Except this time, she realised it wasn't just hers.

It looked like she was finally learning parts of Thorin's past.

Her head throbbed loudly and she didn't realise she was crying until an angry voice cut through the air.

"What did you do to her?!"

"I didn't do anything Thorin, she just-"

"Get away from her!"

Selene didn't realise Dwalin's hand was resting on her until it left her shoulder, but she even had less time to think as she was pulled into a familiar embrace.

For a single moment, Selene pretend it was okay, pretended that the darkness wasn't threatening her, and just curled up in Thorin's hold, Thorin demanding Dwalin leave.

But as the door closed and they were left alone, it sunk back in.

His hold was possessive instead of protective.  The words he spoke were ones of comfort but without the comforting tone.

This was not her Thorin.

Her wolf was so conflicted by this that it just froze in the back of her mind and Selene had to cautiously pull away.

Thorin's gaze was almost blanked over, his eyes dark as he brushed the tears from her face.  "You are alright now, you are safe."

She had no words for him, suddenly feeling the most helpless she ever had, she just stared at him with hurt and worried eyes.

"I told you not to play heroics."  He said softly.  "And yet you rescued that bargeman's daughter."

"She was scared."  Selene breathed,  not trusting her own voice. "I simply wanted-"

"Hush,"  He presses his lips briefly to hers.  "I would expect no less.  It was very motherly of you."

Selene had tensed when his lips had touched hers.  This wasn't her Thorin.  Then, with his motherly comment, it all seemed to sink in and her wolf started to growl.

"I need to rest."  She said quietly and she watched something work through him.  "Alone.  I am not feeling overly well."

Concern knitted his brow and she couldn't miss the flash of recognition in his blue eyes, almost sending her to tears again.

"I will get Oin to have a look at you."  He took her hand and Selene let herself be led.

Thorin left her with Oin and others, demanding that she be looked after and well fed, Selene wincing at his words, before he stormed out.

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