Chapter 26

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Thorin was already following before he'd even entirely realised what was happening, landing hard on the ice, his sword in hand, and following after the large black wolf. Her rage beat at him and for a single moment he thought she was lost to him.

That was until there was a slight familiar touch, one he was sure she was never aware that she did, making sure he was alright.

His relief was momentary, orcs pouring forth and straight for her.

Selene took them head on.

They myths surrounding the legend of Blackfoot were proving to be very true that day. Orcs rushed her but they were no match for the ferocity of the wolf, black blood spilling out over the ice and soon, the black paw prints followed, some having tried to run.

But Selene wasn't Azog's only focus, just as many orcs being sent after Thorin.

Except Selene was there, as soon as it looked like there would be too many, she leapt over and cut the numbers down, getting most of the attention back on her and leaping back away, some of the orcs following.

The ice was no easy element to fight on, plenty of slipping put them more than a few times in harms way, Selene having taken a nasty gash down her shoulder but it did not slow her down.

Then Azog came onto the ice.

Selene's red eyes locked onto him, the growl ripping through her sending the other orcs scurrying away.

As far as she was concerned, he was now the only one worth fighting.

Fury beat at her. She knew everything now, she remembered the blood shed, remembered the pain, now it was time to make sure he got it all back.

Her feet were steady on the ice.

Selene eyed off his sword arm and the mace. She knew that range was going to be difficult in this fight.

"What are you waiting for?" He laughed. "Scared?"

She leapt, the roar cutting the air, and then there was no turning back.

Selene remembered how she was chosen, how he'd trained them, beaten them, then fought them to work out who was the strongest. She was the only one that had come close to winning.

But that was a long time ago now, she'd learnt a lot more since then.

She ducked a swing from his mace, leaping for his sword arm, his weakness, but he'd already turned, so she was forced to duck again, this time going for his legs.

She bit out a huge chunk, causing a cry of agony and rage from him, as she dashed back away, purposefully throwing it back at hit feet, sending back as close of a grin as she could get.

Azog wasn't going down that easy. "There was a time when you would be all close quarters Blackfoot, no dodging and running. You are weak."

Selene growled but did not fall for the bait, circling him.

She knew that wearing him down was the best option.

Then she felt it, the flare of pain through Thorin, causing her to jump and become completely distracted, turning to look for him.

Azog used it.

His mace crashed hard into her side, causing a loud, startled yelp as she went flying across the ice, hitting hard up against a wall.

He had other orcs waiting.

They jumped on her, held her down, but they weren't trying to kill her. Selene fought still, but she was shaky now, pain radiating around her unlike anything she had felt before, and it took her a moment to realise it was from Thorin too.

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