Chapter 21

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The sound and smell of fire awoke Selene with a start, looking frantically around the room, to see the source, only to find the hearth burning.

She lets out a very shaky breath, convinced what she had just heard had been real.  She swore she had felt the heat press at her too.

Selene jumped as she felt movement next to her and she looked over to Thorin stirring in his sleep, his brow creased.  She watched him for a moment before realising exactly what was happening.

He was dreaming.

Selene gave a sigh of relief, releasing a breath she didn't even know she'd been holding, before laying back down.  She hesitates a moment, Thorin still not having awoken from his dream, and then rolls over wraps her arms around him.

Nuzzling into his back, Selene sighs in relief that it hadn't been real, not in that moment anyway.  She had little doubt that being this close to the mountain had awoken some less than pleasant memories for Thorin, and she really hoped he wouldn't have to relive them too much.

Thorin groaned and rolled over, pulling her closer.

"Sorry if I woke you up."  Selene said quietly.

"You didn't,"  He mumbled tiredly.  "Even if you did, I can't say I was having an overly pleasant dream."

"I noticed."

"Hmm, then I should be the one apologising."

"I'm an early riser anyway."

Thorin opened his eyes and looked at the faint light coming into the room.  "What time is it?"

"Just after dawn."  Selene yawned.  "What time did you want to leave?"

Thorin lay on his back and stretched.  "Soon."

He was clearly in no hurry, so Selene snuggled closer, his fingers moving through her hair.

"How are you feeling?"  He asked.

Selene closes her eyes and sighs.  "Slightly better I guess."

Thorin thinks for a moment.  "As much as this is all happening quickly, it will still take time to adjust you know?"

"I know."  Selene shuffled uncomfortably.  "You make it look so easy."

Thorin chuckled, causing her to look up at him.


"You," He said with a smile, brushing her cheek.  "What makes you think that I am not suffering too?"

"I didn't say you weren't, you just seem to be dealing with better."  She said, even as heat flooded her cheeks.

Thorin gives a small shrug.  "Because I must.  I cannot afford to show weakness.  As leader of all this, I have to-"

Selene silences him with a kiss.

Pulling away, she frowns at him.  "Stop being so noble."

She kisses him again before he can say anything.  She wasn't overly sure what possessed her to make him stop talking, but he wasn't complaining.

Thorin rolled them over, taking control of the kiss before breaking away and looking down at her.

"That is incredibly distracting."  He said, his eyes dark.

Selene smiles.  "I'm pretty sure that is what I was going for."

"Ugh, infuriating."  He crushes his mouth to hers, drawing out a moan.

They were both sure it would've gotten out of hand had the door not burst open.

"Thorin-oh."  Dwalin stood in the doorway, his face going bright red.

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