Chapter 9

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In the early hours of the morning, just as the sun was starting to rise, the Company left, at the insistence of Gandalf who stayed behind to cover their escape.

The rest of the Company hadn't taken the news of Selene leaving to scout ahead very well, saying that there were more dangers now they knew that they were being hunted by a pack of orcs. They doubted even Selene could handle that, but as she had already gone, there was little they could do but complain of it, the only one remaining silent, although in a very bad mood, was Thorin. Even as he led them towards the Misty Mountains now, his mood did not improve, the discussion (or several) he had heard were weighing heavily upon him.

It wasn't until half way through their second day away from Rivendell that Selene caught up. They were starting up the steep slopes of the mountains, and poor Bilbo was having a hard time keeping his footing on the slippery ground, at one stage he slipped and with a cry, rolled backwards, only to be stopped by a pair of legs standing behind him.

Selene smiles down at him. "You alright?"

There were many happy cries, some of them having feared the worse, as the dwarves turned around. Selene just grinned at them and helped Bilbo up.

"You gents clearly still don't believe that I am capable of defending myself." She laughs. "Just as you clearly don't know that hobbits are not used to such a steep climb."

There were a dozen excuses made up at once but this just causes her grin to widen, only faltering when she locked eyes with Thorin.

She could see something was wrong.

"Come on, let's keep moving." He orders and turns away.

Selene, a little hurt by this, turns to Bilbo, who was still looking rather embarrassed. "Would you like me to carry you?"

"What?" He squeaked, almost in sheer terror.

"Until we reach a flatter path, I can carry you. It's either that or I will just follow behind and stop you from tumbling back down, but you may still end up with a few bruises." She couldn't help but grin again at the hobbit, looking at her with wide eyes. "It's no problem Bilbo, and they are clearly not going to offer you help."

So, Bilbo found himself on Selene's back, his arms wrapped tightly around her neck as she carried him. The dwarves had found it very funny at first, but as the path seemed to get tougher, even for them, their teasing died down. Selene had no problem with the path, her legs powerful enough to just keep moving, so Bilbo was actually grateful that she had offered.

Finally reaching flatter ground as night fell, Selene put Bilbo down, staring at the path ahead. It was narrow and clearly wound high into the deeper parts of the mountains. What worried her more about that was the smell of rain in the air, these paths would be treacherous enough without water thrown into the mix.

It was clear the dwarves did not share her concern.

As Thorin started to push ahead, she spoke up. "Wouldn't it be better to wait through the night?"

He glances at her. "We have lost enough time already, we cannot wait."

"There is rain coming Thorin, these paths will be dangerous enough-"

"We need to keep moving." And he storms ahead, a disquiet settling over her to see him like that.

Ignoring it, she insisted that they all go first, Bilbo near the middle, and she followed at the rear.

It was a slow journey up the path, they had to constantly watch their footing, and as the first rumble of thunder sounded above, many thought that Selene may have been the wiser one here.

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