iv. temporary supplier

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iv. temporary supplier

     "RINN, THEY'RE HERE," Denver called out to her.  She'd been laying in her bed, which was now made, trying to get her head on straight.  Denver had talked with her for most of the day after they walked down to the small diner they were at last night to eat.  Rinn proved to have a small stomach, which made having her around and providing for her for the time being easy.

She didn't tolerate much, however.  She was jumpy and didn't sleep well.  She was quiet, but not shy.  There were things she wouldn't talk about and if they were brought up, she would seemingly be paralyzed for a moment.  Denver couldn't decide if it was out of fear or out of stubbornness.

Something was telling him it wasn't the latter.

"Let's go, then," she murmured, standing.  Denver smirked at her and shook his head, motioning for her to lay back down.  She did so but not without hesitation.  He sighed and headed back over to the table and sat down.  For a moment, the van they were driving kept honking and hollering could be heard, but neither the passenger or the driver moved.

Finally, Denver heard Shayne cuss out and jump through the van door.  It slammed shut, along with the passenger door and they trudged their was towards the motel room Denver had rented for the past couple nights.

"Open the fucking door, Denver," Shayne's voice could be heard through the thin, wood door.  He just smirked to himself before he heard it again, and again, and finally, one more time with an added death threat.

"Well, now, Shayne . . .  Why would I open the door for you when you're threatening to kill me?"  Denver called back, still counting and recounting the pills in each bottle that Rinn had given him.  She didn't have room in her bag and he didn't want to get her caught, so he decided that he would mark each bottle with an "R" and keep them in his bag.

"Open the door, Denver," Siren's voice boomed out.  Groaning in his head, Denver stood and shot Rinn an apologetic glance.  She just turned her head back towards the ceiling and studied the groves there.

As soon as Denver had the door open, Siren barged her way inside.  Shayne followed in with a smirk pressed into his lips, which annoyed Denver slightly.  He knew what Siren was going to do . . . and unfortunately, she'd already started.

"So, this is the infamous Rinn Daniels," Siren managed to yell out.  Denver sucked in a deep breath before checking to make sure no one had followed them into the room.  Then, he slowly shut and locked the door.

"Where are you from?"  Siren asked, being as nosy and noisy as she usually was with everyone she met.

"I'm from here," she stated bluntly and softly, still staring at the ceiling.  She didn't want to look at the girl; she didn't want anything to do with them . . .  She just wanted to be left alone.  The only person she was willing to tolerate at this moment was Denver, and that's only because he'd helped her last night.

"Do you have any family?  Or friends?"  Siren pried for more information that she could've just asked Denver for.  He knew the reason she chose not to talk to him, though; she wanted to establish some kind of grounds with Rinn, as she did with everyone else.  She wanted to make sure Rinn knew Shayne belonged to her and that she wasn't one to be messed with.

"Everyone I've ever known before last night is dead to me," Rinn stated, still looking away from Siren's face.  She didn't want to say anything to her or let her know about her past; it's just not what she liked to do.

Especially with women; they would always try to compete or make themselves seem weaker.  The only reason most women wanted to be weak was because men always wanted someone to protect.  They wanted to be the man that got the girl everyone wanted but knew nothing about.

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