xxiii. a Crow before a crack hoe

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xxiii. a Crow before a crack hoe

     "JACKSON," RINN CALLED out as soon as he walked through the front door. He turned his head her way and waited for a moment as he looked her over. She was standing in the door way of the gavel room; her strawberry blonde hair was tied up loosely in a messy bun and her emerald eyes were filled with worry.

"What do you need?" He asked her, causing her to duck into the room she was waiting for him by. He took the hint and sighed, patting David on the back before turning his way towards the double doors. As soon as he entered the room, the doors slammed shut behind him and were locked.

Then, Rinn proceeded to walked around to the vice president's chair and seat herself. Jackson followed her lead, sitting on her right sit, at the head of the table where he belonged.

He took a look around, surprised to see they weren't alone. In the corner of the room, near the safe in the corner by the door, opposite of where he was, stood Denver. His hair was disheveled and he looked like he hadn't slept for days. The only other thing that confirmed his suspicions that the small meeting was about the group was his eyes; they were filled with resentment and anger.

"What happened?" Jackson demanded through question, causing Rinn to take in a deep breath and finish her cigarette. As she slowly put out the butt of it, she spoke in an irritated and hushed tone.

"We have a crank addict in the Crow family," she began without hesitation. "I don't know who it is but I found both crank and coke in Shayne and Siren's room. We haven't checked his locker or safe yet. Denver suggested we let you do it . . . You are the president of Mayhem; your suspicions override all others."

With anger written across his face, he quickly stood and headed over to Shayne's locker. For a moment, he hesitated before he kicked the door. Denver had backed up just before Jackson's actions and he looked over through worry at Rinn. She returned his concerned look with one of her own before diverting her eyes over to Shayne's locker.

The door had been caved in and from what Rinn saw, all that was inside were three piles of cash. It looked as if Shayne hadn't been taking anything from his stash, which made Rinn look up at Jackson through surprise. She wouldn't have doubted that Shayne was doing drugs . . . but from the looks of it, he still had a sufficient amount of cash to back him up, in the event he denied ever touching them.

"Siren," Denver growled out before walking over and throwing the locker on the ground. It was connected to Shayne's and since his was already damaged, Denver didn't see the problem with hurting it, anymore. The money would be fine and he didn't have any other possessions inside of the safe, seeing as though it popped open as soon as it hit the ground.

As the lockers tumbled to the ground and hit the concrete floor with a violent crack, Denver turned and glared at Rinn. She returned it, knowing the look of anger wasn't for her. It took all of three seconds before the doors to the room flung open.

In the doorway stood most of the club; David, Alex and Tiggy were the three standing in front. Right behind them were the two prospects, Jimmy and Henry, along with Scotland. Following in close proximity to the three, was Shayne . . . and right behind him was exactly the girl Jackson, Denver and Rinn were looking for.

"Siren," Jackson growled out.

Right as he spoke, Rinn lunged herself forward. With her movements, nearly everyone turned and made room for her to latch onto Siren by the throat. As her body collided with Rinn's hands, they were thrown to the ground.

Siren was gasping for air, causing Rinn to tighten the hold she had on her neck. With their position, Rinn had the upper hand, which she used to her advantage. Pressing her knees into Siren's lower abdomen and thigh, she felt as the body began to convulse under her light, but forceful, weight.

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