xvi. confessions

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xvi. confessions

     "DID SOMETHING HAPPEN in there?" Denver asked as Rinn walked over to him at the bar. She smirked, shaking her head back and forth, causing him to suspiciously eye her. For a moment, he debated arguing with her for the truth but instead, pushed it off.

If she wanted him to know, she would tell him . . . and if it was club business, Jackson would tell him.

Sighing, he nodded and turned around towards David. They were conversing about bike parts and how he could better prepare himself for meeting his daughter tonight. He told Rinn had didn't know he had one until he got a call from an old girlfriend, telling him that he had an eighteen year old daughter she as shipping out of the house.

"I don't know what to do," David said, shaking his head. "I have no experience with kids, other than Jackson's little monster . . . but I really just . . . I don't know. I'm so nervous and I feel like I did when I was younger and going on my first date. I've got sweaty palms and I can't seem to grasp it in my head."

"David!" Rinn practically yelled to stop his rambling, "You'll be fine, okay? Just act like you do to me. Be caring and funny and relax yourself. She might not like you right away. Just don't blow off anything she says and listen, okay? Even if she doesn't talk, listen to what you hear in the silence."

"That's good," David said, nodding, repeating those two words to himself as she stood and walked away. She headed towards Jackson's room and used the bathroom, washing her face with cold water to calm her own nerves.

After a moment of silence, she heard a small double knock coming from Denver's door. Blinking once, long and hard, she dried her hands and slowly walked over to the door. Grasping the handle, she took in a deep breath and opened it with precaution, not sure what Denver wanted.

"Hey," she said, coming face to face with him.

"Rinn, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she spoke softly, walking into his room and shutting the door behind her. He stood next to her, watching her with a not so pleased look on his face while she glanced around the room.

"This is nice . . . cozy," she nodded, causing him to shake his head and step out in front of her.

"Why do you keep doing this?" He asked, catching her off guard. She didn't understand what he meant; she didn't know what to say or ask to try and make him clarify himself, either. She was confused and lost and didn't know how to respond.


He cut her off, "You keep playing the "I'm okay; nothing is wrong" card and frankly, it's sort of pissing me off. I know there's something going on in your head. I can just see it in your face, Rinn. I could see it in your eyes at the motel more than I can right now, because you won't hardly look at me."

"Tell me what Nathaniel did," he whispered, wanting to reach out and tuck the stray piece of hair from her face behind her ear. He wanted to hug her and comfort her when she slept or cried out. He wanted to be with her; he didn't know why, but he did. He wanted to be with her and he wanted her to feel the same.

"No," she stubbornly snapped, walking towards the door and opening it slightly. His hand was suddenly on the wood of it, slamming it closed as he spoke in a demanding tone to her.

"Rinn, talk to m-"

This time, she cut him off, "I don't know what you want me to tell you. Maybe that I'm numb or I'm angry all the time. Or maybe that I feel sunk into myself and I feel like, one day, I'm going to get so small that I just implode into a puff of smoke and I suddenly disappear."

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