xi. breaking through the barrier

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xi. breaking through the barrier

     "SO, WHEN ARE you going to tell the club about your decision?"  Rinn asked Jackson as she stepped off the bike, her legs numb from driving with him all day long.  He sighed, standing it up on the kickstand and looking around to see Denver now on the porch, an angry look on his face.

"I'll tell them at the next meeting . . . but you can't tell Denver about today.  He'll try and kill me or do something else to hurt the club," Jackson said, watching as Rinn turned towards the porch of the house and then back to him, nodding in agreement.  She didn't need her partner and her protection dead, nor did she want to be responsible a young girl losing her father.

"Can I ask you something completely irrelevant to today?"  She turned back towards the house and started to walk towards it with Jackson by her side, who was glaring at Denver.

"Yeah," he said, absentmindedly.

"What's it like being a parent?"  She asked quietly, catching him off guard.  He turned towards her through surprise and eyed her for a moment, not sure why she was asking such an off the wall question at such a strange time.

"I don't know why you want to know that and I won't ask . . .  All I can really say is it's one of the most amazing things in the world.  To be honest with you, the feeling is probably better than when I fell for Mia.  I have a reason to live," he explained, watching as she looked away with a hurt expression.

"I see," she said, walking into the house as they reached the porch.  Jackson tried to follow in after her, craving a cigarette and a beer, but Denver grabbed his arm and stopped him from going any further.  The way he gripped onto Jackson's forearm both pissed him off and irritated him; he didn't like being pulled around.

"Get your fucking hands off me," Jackson growled out.

"Then you best keep your fucking hands off her," Denver snapped back.

Caught by surprise, Jackson pulled back and chuckled humorlessly, "Is that what you think happened?  You really think I slept with her, of all people?  I've been with Mia for how long, Denver?  Or did you forget she's the mother of my child?"

"To be honest, I don't think Mia crossed your mind too often today . . .  Actually, I'm not sure Mia crosses your mind too often, at all.  I mean, after what she did with Cain when you were inside," Denver's voice was taunting and he was pushing the limits, boarder lining Jackson's rage on the fence of either killing him or nearly killing him.

"I suggest you get your hand off me before I bash your skull in," Jackson growled out, causing Denver to let go of his arm.  He headed into the house and towards the fridge, grabbing out two bottles of beer and heading upstairs.

He found Rinn in Denver's room, stretched out on the bed with a small black book in front of her.  She was furiously writing in it and he walked quietly over to where she was, making her hand freeze as her head turned towards him.

"What's that?"  Jackson asked, still angry.

"I write down everything I can remember about the past couple days.  Today is what I'm writing about now; why do you ask?"  She wondered out loud, telling him about her little black book.  He nodded, sitting down on the bed and handing her a beer, taking the book and reading over one of the paragraphs.

"I haven't thought about Nathaniel all day," he read out loud, looking up at her without moving his head.  "I haven't thought about that night or what happened.  I've thought a lot about my father, though, and how he's never really been a father, but rather some kind of sperm bank for my mother, who was just an incubator for me.  Jackson said being a father was the best feeling in the world . . . but I guess that's only for some people."

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