ii. running away

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ii. running away  

     "YOU SOUND ASHAMED of that," Denver observed, watching her as he drank his coffee.  She just shrugged, not really wanting to say anything about it.  He seemed as if he was analyzing her and her expression by the way he was watching her, which made her slightly uncomfortable. Finally, he broke the silence.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, letting his smile drop for a moment.

"What are you sorry for?"

"You said you don't do physical contact and I sprung myself on your earlier.  I'm truly sorry for that . . .  I shouldn't have assumed you would be okay with being grabbed, even if it was to protect your skin," he frowned, feeling guilty for his actions.  He knew that some people just didn't like touching others but she didn't seem like a germaphobe.

There was something else hidden behind her gaze and he wanted to know what it was. She might be a stranger to him, but he had seen that look in people's eyes before . . . and it never quite sat well in the pit of his stomach.

"I'll get over it," she whispered after a moment of letting his apology process in her mind.  "Besides, you didn't know . . .  I don't really blame you; I thank you for pulling me away from the cop.  I could've gone down for a lot of things earlier."

"What do you mean by that?"  He asked, watching her face as looked and stared down into her coffee cup.  She shrugged, suddenly wanting to be away from everything that reminded her of people.  That's what she was trying to get to; she wanted to be completely alone so she could writhe in her own pain and hatred.

"You never did tell me why you were running from the cop," he smirked.

"I did; I said I ran away," she whispered, still grinding her hands into one another beneath the surface of the table.  She didn't look up at him; she didn't want to see the judgmental look that might be encased in his stare.  She never did like when people watched her; it made her uncomfortable and she didn't like being uncomfortable.

Denver continued to watch her, trying to make sense of her scared stare that was focused on the table.  He didn't think he'd done anything to make her afraid of him, as they barely knew one another, just their names . . . but then again, he didn't know if something had happened to her at her home that might've spooked her.  He didn't know if she was running because she was in some kind of trouble or if she just didn't like being home.

He didn't know much about this Rinn Daniels, but she'd peaked his interest.

Finally, he sighed.  This caused her attention to be diverted from the table to his eyes, which were watching her with a soft kind of tint in them.  While she stared, he spoke gently to her, "From the way it sounds, you didn't have much to run away from."

"You're right . . . "  She whispered, "I don't."

"Why take off when you saw the cop, then?"  He asked, concern now lacing his tone, "Did you do something?  Don't tell me you're a murderer, Rinn.  You're too soft to be a murderer . . . and if you did kill someone, I know people that could help you."

When her eyes relocated to his face, she saw a joking smirk plastered across his lips and she sighed, shaking her head.  She whispered back to him, "No . . .  I didn't kill anyone.  I just . . .  I don't know."

"Come on, Rinn.  Wh-"

She cut him off, knowing what he was going to ask, "I have pills in my bag.  Full prescriptions with over thirty pills in each bottle; some don't belong to me.  Others are mine, but I don't take them . . .  I don't like what they do to my head."

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