xxxiii. save the Crows

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xxxiii. save the Crows

     "RINN?" JACKSON CALLED out as a bike shut off in front of her. Opening her eyes, she looked up at him and breathed out in relief. Denver let his hand slide down her arm and gently take her fingers in his. He winced in pain, due to his broken fingers, but still held her hand as tightly as he could.

"Denver, please," she whispered as Jackson knelt down and looked him over to see where he could pick him up from. "You need to let go of my hand so I can help you . . . You can hold it later."

"No," he mumbled out, drowsiness now taking over his features as she tried to plaster a fake smile across her face. Jackson lifted him into his arms, struggling to stand before Rinn helped him and pried his fingers from her own. The van pulled up behind Jackson's bike and the door immediately opened.

Laying him down in the back of the of the van. Rinn let them close the door, turning towards Jackson as he yelled out his demands to both prospects, sitting in either side in the front of the van, "Call Brandi; get him taken care of. If he dies on us, we'll be losing three patches. Understood?"

With that, the prospects drove off with Denver, Scotland and David in the back of the van. Jackson gritted his teeth together and turned his face to Rinn's, looking into her eyes as he spoke, "You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah," she whispered, "You love him, too. That's what a family's supposed to do."

He grimaced, "You know what else a family is supposed to do when something like this happens to a member?"

"Retaliation," she whispered, causing him to nod sharply.

"Get on the bike," he growled out, causing her to nod and follow him silently. Once they were on his motorcycle, Jackson started it and sped back down the alleyway. Rinn's eye was caught by the knife thrown into the road and she patted Jackson's shoulder twice, causing him to look back at her. She pointed in the direction of the knife and he sped towards it, causing her to lean down close to the ground and grab hold of it, scraping her fingertips on the concrete and skinning off the first layer of skin.

Ignoring it, she handed it up to Jackson, who quickly took it in his hand and flipped it around. He grimaced, again, letting out a humorless snort. He folded it back into the compact style it was made to be carried in and made a U-turn in the middle of the road, heading back into town.

"Who is it?" She yelled into his ear, making him grin a little wider.

"Fucking Mexicans never know when to stop turning members," he yelled back, causing her to swallow hard. She knew where he was going; he was headed back to Crowbar, to deal with whoever owned that knife. It took her a moment to realize the member of the Crows that owned that knife was probably the one that pulled a gun on her when she was holding Denver in her lap.

Before long, Jackson pulled up to the clubhouse and killed his bike before he had it parked. He rushed inside after Rinn was safely off, causing her to run after him. Once there, Rinn followed close behind Jackson and stopped when he did. In front of him was a tall boy, a head of short blond hair she knew well.

"You sick son of a bitch," Jackson growled out, causing Rinn to swallow hard as he spun Alex around. "We have some business to attend to . . . Don't we?"

For a moment, Alex kept on his smirk. Everyone that was in by the bar looked over at them curiously, causing Rinn to grab Jackson's arm and drag him back with as much power as she could muster up.

She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his head down to her, whispering in his ear, "Save it, Jackson . . . We have to be smart about this. Let Denver heal a little before we do anything rash, okay?"

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