The Drill - Chapter 7 ( Part 2)

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* Their is a slight change to the story a little but still follows the plot*

The first thing Nami heard was Sokka Screaming, Azula, Mai and Ty lee had came in to find them and Nami dropped down to a brace just above the avatar and his friends and the same level as Azula, Mai and Ty Lee; Azula had sent blue flames at the Avatar but he easily dodged

" Wow Azula, you where right. Nami was away, to find the Avatar.....And friends" Ty lee said saying the last part a little flirty looking at Sokka

The Avatar and his friends ran; with Nami, Azula, Tylee and Mai following them. They all came to a point where the group of the Avatar and his friends split up into two groups. the Avatar going to the right alone and the two water tribe members to the left.

" Mai, Ty lee you go follow them, Nami and i will go after the avatar" Azula commanded and she and Nami ran down the hall to the right and leaving Mai and Ty Lee to the left

Nami and Azula cam to see the Avatar standing, he was cutting a 'X' shape in to the metal to give the final blow to the Drill. Azula walked up with Nami in toe to stand facing the Avatar who turned standing ready to fight.

Azula Sent blue fire balls towards him and he dodged; as the Avatar sent a slice of air at the both of them. Azula and Nami dodged by jumping over it at the same moment. Nami did not interfere with the fighting. she couldn't, if she fought the avatar she would have lied before;but fighting with Azula see Nami as a traitor and fight her with full aggression.

Azula Kept trying to send fire balls at the Avatar;but he bended a water whip to hit her hands each time. Azula got angrier and then jumped to sent one larger fire ball at him by using her feet, and the avatar blocked by using the water but got sent back a little by it. the avatar and Azula stopped for a moment dodgeing the on comeing boulders the earth benders on top of the wall where throwing down.

the Avatar sent one Boulder at Azula, she dodged by doing full split on the ground and Nami dodged it by water whipping her left to launch over it landing normally; Nami knew she had to do something but she had to decide on who she was going to side with. Azula again or The Avatar.

Azula sent flames at him but he blocked using Earth wall and hit it as well to sent rocks at Azula. both where not looking like they where going to slow down;eather one or the other where going to lose or run out of energy. Azula got angrier and sent another fire ball at him with her feet, but this time when it hit the wall with such force it broke the wall sending the avatar to the wall hitting it and getting knocked out.

Nami couldn't hold back as Azula picked him up to hold him to the wall, he was just comeing to. Nami growled and water whipped Azula's arm back to stop her attack. That gave the avatar a chance to bend earth to one arm and push Azula back and Nami ran to stand to the side of him just a little in front.

" i knew you couldn't be trusted....your a traitor Nami" Azula muttered enough for her and the avatar to hear who where in a stance to fight.

The Rage built up in Azula, it was in her eyes as she stood making her lightning moves to aim at Nami and Aang. Nami had seen it before, Iroh redirecting Lighting; Nami stood bettween Aang and Azula taking a breath relaxing her self. Aang saw NAmi look at him ever so slightly nodding for him to finish what he was doing

Nami waited as Azula sent the lightening at her, Nami did the same movement that Iroh had did to redirect it, but what she didnt know was the flow or had the practice that he did; the lightening was getting redirected as Nami's body surged with pain and it showed the lightening passing in, and sparking all round her body as she directed it.

Aang saw it as he had done the shape fore the final blow, " Do it Avatar!" Nami yelled out as she finally Redirected it, sending it at Azula. which Azula was just able to dodge. Nami saw hazy things after just wobbling on her feet.

Aang ran up the wall of Ba Sing Sei and then back down at a fast speed. He then landed on the spike he had created and sent it in the Drill with a blast of air, Nami barely dodged it by falling to the ground but Azula didn't see the Air after dodging the Lightening and went flying back with the gust of air.

Aang came running over to help Nami to her feet concerned look on his face as he helped you take you to the top of the wall meeting Toph, Sokka and Kattara their who where looking out to the distance. when Katara got a look at you she stood with Toph and Sokka ready to fight, they still didn't trust you at all.

" Aang what are you doing with her?!?!" Sokka called out angry and ready for a fight

" Yea, she is with the fire nation" Toph added in ready with a bolder

" Im not with the fire nation any more " Nami said her voice was low and weak, Momo had sat on other shoulder as Aang had the other one found him to keep you standing

" Don't lie!?!?!'ve done nothing than follow the Fire nation girls and attack u-" Katara was cut short by Aang speaking over her, that really grinned kattara's gears getting interrupted

" she.....saved me kattara.......back when i was about to deliver the final blow......Azula caught me off guard and knocked me unconscious....if it hadn't been for her. I'd be dead" Aang said as Momo was licking Nami's cheek making Aang laugh

" Please, Ill explain everything......but not here, not" Nami practically begged needing their help " tie me up, gag me ill do anything till we get somewhere and i can explain"

Katara sighed with frustration, seeing the color of your face, looking like it was practically drained of life " Fine we'll go in Ba Sing Sei and get somewhere to stay and we'll help you as you explain" Katara looked at you with narrowed eyes still cautious still not fully trusting Nami

( OK Attention just to let you know as a heads up. Next chapter is going to be my own one after they get acquainted with their little home :) )

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