Prisoner - Chapter 15

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Nami woke up from the slamming of a door. it was a metal like slam; she came to her senses and knew when she looked around what had happened.  she had been taken back to the Fire Nation, Zuko the one she really cared for had betrayed her.   Her arms burned in pain from what happened, she looked at them seeing no one had helped her at all

Nami found it annoying that she was put in here with nothing.  not even her book that she had; it was something that meant the world to her and she had been stripped of it.  Nami reached to find her water pouch gone and sighed, no water no healing her self.  It was cruel she thought,  having a guard outside and one inside the cell who was reading a scroll but kept an eye on her for any trouble.

Nami looked over at he guard " Excuse me....can i get some water" Nami asked as the guard looked at her with cation

" why, traitors like you don't get nothing" He said as he stood teasing her with his pouch drinking the water

Nami got up going to the bars reaching for it but the guard stepped back closing the  ouch before standing with fire in his hands.  Nami stepped back and the guard went to stand normal.

" we cant let you filthy bending escape.  you'll use it for a method to escape" The guard said crossing his arms.  he looked about 20 to about 25 in age, fresh guard with hard training 

Nami backed up to the wall to bring her knees close to her, as she sat at the back leaning on the wall. Nami expected it to be left like this to be locked up and to be left to die.  what she didnt expect was the door to the room she was in opened.

Nami looked up to see a figure come in telling the guard to leave and he did.  who ever this was did they intend to hurt Nami or help her out.  The figure came closer and it was Zuko, Nami's eyes went wide in shock he had come to see her but why.

" Nami, you brought this on your self. you could of fought with us and redeemed your self to Azula and returned a Hero" Zuko said as he sat in front of the cell looking at Nami who only turned away from him  " here for your burns, a medicine thats in a liquid" he felt guilty as he pushed a small pouch in through the bars

Nami stood to pick it up clutching in a little hard the anger, pain and sadness she felt welled up inside her; Holding back tears she watched him stand and take a step back.  she came to the bars and threw it at him

" Your crazy!!....I never wanted you locked up.....if you wern't here you'd be dead or sleeping in the streets!!" Zuko yelled as he picked up the pouch and stormed out the door leaving Nami in the darkness again

----------Zukos Situation------------

Zuko sat with may watching the sun set, it was a beautiful orange color, Mai was sat beside him leaning in to him with her head resting on his shoulder

" Orange is such an awful color" Mai said as she smiled and it made Zuko thinking about something he never found it awful as it made him think back to when he was younger hanging out with Mai and Nami as a kid.

( Flashback)-------------------------------

" Come on Mai, Zuko " Nami laughed as she was only 9, she waved at them from a top the hill laughing

" Where are we going, " Zuko asked as he traveled up to the top of the hill with Mai Lagging behind

Once they all got up the hill they where standing in front of a vast horizon with the setting sun that made the sky shine a bright and lovely color of orange.  Mai only made a low 'Ugh' sound finding it boring and awful color

" Its amazing,.....isnt it " she turned to Zuko and Mai smiling so happy they came with her

Zuko smiled ever so slightly looking at Nami who was basked in the light of the horizon and the sun.

( Flashback End)-------------------------------  

Zuko smiled at the orange color " Yea....remember when we where kids....Nami dragged us up here to see it......"

Zuko couldn't think as his mind  traced back to the face that Nami looked at him, with such rage, disappointment and sadness in her eyes.  But before he could do anything Mai brung his face in to kiss him deeply.  Azula came up to them clearing her throat to get their attention as both they stopped to look over at Azula.

" Zuko, can I have a word with you" Azula asked  but he had no time to answer when Mai kissed Zuko again  for a moment longer this time

" oh Mai....Tai Lee needs help untangling her braid" Azula sighed as she looked away a little as she crossed her arms

" sounds pretty serious" Mai said as she stood to walk past looking at Azula when she passed

" so, i hear you went to visit you Uncle fatso and Nami in the prison tower" Azula said looking at him crossing her arms

" that guard told you ?!?" Zuko said looking shocked at her that she found out

" No you did Just now" Azula said as he got up to walk over to Azula

Zuko didnt say much after Azula left as he thought thinking about Nami and his uncle. 


Nami spent her time on the cell thinking even with her meals she kept thinking as she was never given any water at all as she came to the idea that she needed water in any way possible as she got an idea, and decided to put it to plan as she hid a bowl she had in her clothes to use as she went to work

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