The Crossroads of Destiny - Chapter 14

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  ---  I want to thank @kissa_ble she helped me decide where this sotry was going to go at this point and i know whats going to happen and hope you enjoy  ---

Nami sat at the other side of the carrige that was taking her, Iroh and Zuko to the palace to serve the tea to the king; Iroh was really exited as he was smiling when he, Zuko and Nami got out the carrige

" many times, I've imagined my self here.  at the threshhold of the palace.....but I'd thought I'd be here as a conjurer.  instead we are here as the Earth Kings personal guests......Here to serve him tea"

" destiny is a funny thing" Nami said as she offered to carry the box Iroh was carrying and he let her carry it for him

" it sure is " Zuko said smileing as he agreed with Nami and Iroh nodded 

They where taken to a room with a large seat in it and a table where Iroh started to brew the tea, Nami made sure it was mixed with the tea leaves with bending.  Iroh sat one side of the table and Zuko on the other as Nami sat between them smiling really happy for Iroh.

after a while Zuko felt weird as the king hadn't shown up yet" whats taking so long" Zuko asked looking around the room while Iroh poured the tea

" Maybe the Earth King over slept?" Iroh said as Dai Lee agents started to walk out in front of the kings seat and some walked behind them as well to stand

" Somethings not right" Zuko said looking at the agents

Nami looked at them placing her hands on the table ready to attack with the hot tea. Nami looked at Iroh with a look to say to keep on his guard.  the Dai Lee Agents stood in a circle around them looking at the three of them.

" its Tea time " Azula said as she came walking out in a Earth kingdom king of clothes

" Azula" Zuko and Nami said at the same time when standing up

"Have you met the Dai Lee.  they are Earth benders.  they have a killer instinct that's so Fire bender....I just love it " Azula said standing looking at the both of them before looking at Nami with an angry expression

" did i ever tell you how i got the nickname, Dragon of the West" Iroh said as he took a tea cup filled with tea, Zuko looked at him with a smirk and Nami looked at Zuko mouthed to her to duck at a moments notice

A moment later Zuko pulled Nami behind him, so she and Zuko where shielded by Iroh as he made fire came from his mouth like a dragon. Nami's cheeks went red slightly as he pulled her to him to protect her.  Zuko ran with you and Iroh behind to try and get away from the Dai Lee. Nami, Iroh and Zuko ran to a dead end where Iroh blasted the wall with lighting on to the wall blasting through it.

Iroh jumped to land on a animal shapped bush and looked up at Zuko and Nami " Come on you'll be fine"

" I'm tired of running.  its time i faced Azula" Zuko turned round and walked away

" Iroh get help! going to give Zuko Back up" Nami yelled back at him as she turned and followed Zuko, he and Nami stood in front of Azula who was in front of the Dai Lee

" You'r both so dramatic" Azula said as she looked at both of them

Zuko was the first one to attack Azula, but she didnt do anything, the Dai Lee bended a wall to stop his bending in its tracks and sent earth like hands at him, Nami tried to help bending a water then to ice to try and stop them but the force broke through sending Nami back and hit Zuko who was right behind her. and both fell on the ground groaning in pain.  but now it was to late and the Dai Lee Caught Nami and Zuko.

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