Found again - Chapter 23

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*Nami Laying on Leaves in her  shelter*

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*Nami Laying on Leaves in her  shelter*

it was the Longest silence for everyone as Aang made sure he went the right way, he made Appa go down lower to the water but not touching it as he smiled patting Appa's head a little " let me know if you see or smell anything buddy"  

Aang smiled as he looked around same as the others except Toph who  held to that saddle sitting at the back thinking over the many times they spoke alone when Nami joined them, Nami always said she thought she was brave and kind and she shouldn't change for anyone.  Toph couldn't bare the thought of listening to the silence as she wanted so much to talk.

" I cant wait till we see her again ?"  Toph said her tone told mostly Katara she was worried for Nami but she was trying to lighten the mood

" Yea we all are Toph " Katara smiled sadly.  Toph shook her head speaking once more, she was worried that she could be dead

"  I mean more like, Talking with Nami again.   she always had something encouraging to say" Toph said letting her head fall thinking of her " she saw the real me, and treated me like everyone else when we talked " Toph whipped her eyes that had faint tears

" Yea, Nami seemed to always believe in all of us"  Sokka said looking down thinking about Nami she thought he was like a brother to her.

" She put her all in wanting to change and help people "  Katara nodded as she said it  looking at everyone as she continued to look out as well

" any now she needs us."  Aang said as he noticed Zuko had not said a word.  Aang worried for him he knew his feeling for her and if he found her dead he would be heart broken.

" Nami wont give up, she never has or ever will,  she placed her life on line many times.  before she,  Warned us of Azula's plot and then fought me rather than my sister"  Zuko held the side of the saddle hard making his Knuckles while as images of Nami flooded in his mind

No one said a word after that keeping Nami in their thoughts as they looked around in the water for any sign or clue that Nami may have left for them to know she was ok and keep looking,  As slowly the dark started to come, Aang knew the could not search at night as the dark would be hard to see in.
It made Aang uneasy, that he had to break it to them especially Zuko who was looking around a lot changing to many sides of Appa to get more views to see if he could see anything.  Katara complained to him to stop walking arounf like a headless chicken and Zuko was yelling at her and it seemed to turn both of them in to a bigger argument with each passing moment

( Zuko X Reader ) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now