Ember Island - Chapter 26 Part 2

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Nami woke up the next morning. She let Zuko sleep as nami walked in her a gown she put on and walked to the balcony looking out to the sea. Today was really sunny; Nami was glad maybe they could go to the beach as she laughed to her self as she walked back in to the room. Zuko slept peacefuly, nami was at the wardrobe and pulled out a swim suit before going to the bathroom to clean up first.

Nami took a long shower to clean up before drying off and sliding in to her swim suit. It was a bikini top and a a skirt that was the bottoms as she came out the bathroom; Zuko had woken up seeing her coming out and yawned.

"Nami.....your up already?" Zuko said rubbing his eyes as he got up coming over to nami to hug her and kiss her neck

"Zuko!?!"she laughed and pushed him off a little "Go get cleaned up and then we can have fun or do somethig " nami asked and he kissed her cheek before he went to take a shower and leaving nami alone.

Nami looked in the mirror to see her back as she had a look at her old scars over her body. She hated them being on her skin; having a small swim suit on made her more conscious about how she looked. As she continued to look over her body

Zuko came out in his boxers and a towel he was drying his hair with; he saw nami who he loved looking sad at her scars. He knew the feeling hating them being their easy to see like his own. Zuko came up behind her hugging her from behind making nami gasped in suprise

"Zuko?!?!" She felt him wrap his hands round her. Zuko smiled and looked at the mirror at them both. He held her kissing her cheek gently before looking in the mirror again.

"You don't need to feel ashamed of your body. Your scars don't define you"he said Turing nami to look at him " they may scar us but it can help change us or show us the journeys we have went though" nami smiled kissing him on the lips gently letting the moment stay as they held each other as they kissed.

Nami and Zuko then got ready heading for the beach. Nami wore her swim suit but had a over coat that was ment for swimsuits to cover up. They day was so warm out for them both as they sat to tan for a while; it was peaceful with a few people around; not to long after Zuko went to get some drinks as nami layed and tanned more.

Before long two men came over looking at nami finding her attractive; Nami sat up as they where blocking her light and sighed looking at then.

"Hey girl.....never seen you here before wanna take a dip if you know what I mean " one said as the other whinked. Nami removed her shades looking at them.

"I'm already seeing someone " nami looked away not impressed with hem one little bit

"Come on that guy ain't here so eather he dosent exist or he had left you alone coz he sees another girl at this moment.........come on......well go for a swim and have a good time what you say" the other guy said as they both posed back to back trying to look cool.

Nami stood looking at them as she placed her shades on her head cracking her knuckles, the boys looked hopeful thinking they had got the girl to come with them. Zuko watched seeing the guys approach her and he thought back to the sender thing that happened the last time he came to ember island.

"OK. ....let's have fun " she said sarcastically but the boys noticed her sarcasm but for them it was to late as nami had the ocean in her range and bended water from it around her self and swung it at them to send them flying in to the water " now that's what I call a dip!" Nami laughed as zuko came over

"Hey...you giving you trouble " nami shook her head sitting down with Zuko as she could tell he was alittle worried about what he may have saw as far as nami could tell

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