Earth Kingdom Party - Chapter 10 part two

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Aang, Sokka and Nami all stayed near the back entrance waiting for Katara and Toph to let them in, it was taking some time as they haden't arrived yet making it worry Nami and the boys. as Aang and you poked your head out one side of the statue you hide behind and Sokka at the other side

" Where are they" Aang asked as both of them and Nami looked at the back entrance

" Somethings not right..." Nami said under her breath Katara and Toph wouldn't be late unless something happened

Nami, Aang and Sokka got back behind the statue before Sokka looked like he got another 'great' idea "i came up with a back up plan

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Nami, Aang and Sokka got back behind the statue before Sokka looked like he got another 'great' idea "i came up with a back up plan. we dress Momo as a ghost, he flys by the guards creating a distraction then we blast a hole in the wall " Nami face palmed as he spoke and held Momo when speaking

" or we can go in with these guys"Aang said as he looked over at busboys handing food in through the door for the party

" Yea, Aang's plan is better" Nami said as she gave a slight sigh since she couldn't believe the plan Sokka wanted to try, as he asked people to remember it as well

Aang, Sokka and Nami dressed in the busboy outfit. Aang hid Momo in his hat and Nami tightened her garment and hid her long hair in the hat as well " try and not draw attention, act like these people are important bow, act polite and dont make direct eye contact" Nami mentioned to the three of them walked in.

Nami felt like she was back in a routeine and went around serving people some food she carried on her tray. Aang and Sokka went around doing the same while looking for Toph and Katara. Not to long after serving Katara and Toph had found Sokka and Aang. Nami looked round to see them chatting before heading that way as Judy came over to the group looking uneasy.

" what are you doing here?!? you hae to leave imediately or we will all be in terrible trouble" Judy said as her face said it all she was very uneasy wanting them all to leave this moment

" Not until we see the king" Sokka said persistently

" you don't Must leave" Judy said as she pushed Sokka slightly to knock in to Aang and he nearly fell but all the drink in the tea pot was launched out and hit a lady drenching her

" Oh no" Nami said looking very shocked " Aang fix it " Nami mentioned to him in his ear

Aang went over to the woman looking shocked " I'm sorry, please don't shout" Aang then Air bended air on the lady to dry her out but now she looked even worse than before.

Aang was noticed by the lady and then others looked over. some shocked some not so happy Aang had to keep their attention as Sokka and Nami went around to try and find the king if this was the time to find him they had to; at the time Nami notived Judy had dissepeared when Aang got noticed, she was odd more than any one as Nami felt their was something quite not right about judy.

Sokka and Nami searched together as Nami noticed guards coming out with a Palin King that must be him all royals never walked even if it was short distances. Nami poked Sokka then pointed through the crowed to the man on the Palin King

" that's him, i can tell " Nami mentioned as she turned to get a little closer to Aang " Aang......The earth king...that's him" Nami called out Aang was playing with the Bear that was enjoying his water bending, he turned and used an Air ball to start whizzing down the table to him.

Nami then turned to make her way round the table to try and follow as did Sokka but looking back he was gone; so was Katara and Toph. Nami got to the door where the earth king left through till Dai Lee grabbed Nami from behind and earth bended her hands together walking her off

" Get your hands off me?!?!" Nami protested trying to get away from them but to no avail they where stronger and with earth preventing her to use her bending. she was taken the same way as The avatar and his friends.


After being dragged and pushed in to the room that Aang and his friends where in they and the man who sat on a seat just in front of them. " Ah finally all you are here " Long Feng looked at you then the Avatar

"you can't keep the truthh from all these people....they have to know" Katara said taking a slight step forward Nami nodded agreeing with it

" I'll tell them, I'll make sure they know" Aang said stepping forward looking angry as Nami was standing just a step behind at the other side of him and Katara on his right

" Until now you've been treated as a hounded guest, but from now on you'll be watched every day by Dai Lee Agents. " Long Feng stared at Aang for a moment before turning away to walk to the fire in front of us " if you mention the war to'll all be expelled from the City............I understand you've been looking for your byson. it be ashame if you where unable to complete your quest" Nami noted his voice how he paused giving her a suspision.

Aang and Nami stared at him with an angry expression at the same time he seemed to have the same feeling about this man as well. " Now Judy will show you home" after he finished speaking a totaly diffrent woman from before came in and all of the Gang and Nami where shocked knowing this was not the same person they saw before , something very fishy was going on and Nami felt it

( Sorry its so short. i may miss out the short storys thats in season 2 episode 15)


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