Tension on Our Relationship - Chapter 24

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As the Gang headed back everyone was worried, especially Zuko.  He didn't want to loose her this way not now.  Zuko wanted a long life with her living together in his home with his mother and Nami's parents.  Toph sat holding on to Sokka who sat at the back looking through his bag trying to think what could help

" Hey keep an eye on her if she wakes up maybe try and get her something basic to eat" Toph commented and Sokka looked at her nodding as he agreed with her then looked at his Sister Katara

" Yea toph has a point,  when we where looking i didn't see much food or water" Sokka said as Katara turned to face him " and with one arm bending must be hard and low supply's to use for survival" 

Katara nodded as she went over to help look for anything Nami could drink if she woke up, food was low but they had some apples left so it would help if she woke up.  Aang was quite as he was sat on to Appa's head and held the reins.  Aang was a sensitive one when it came to his friends he had lost Monk Kiatso and hurt Katara once, but he did not want to loose another as he talked to Appa lowly wanting him to give it all he had to get back to the Palace.
One moment Sokka changed with Aang to let him rest from guiding Appa, but Sokka did it to let him help as he knew he was worried for her just like the rest of them.

As night fell Zuko changed with Sokka so they took turns when flying but as night fell they had to stop and Zuko was frustrated but knew it was the best, if Appa flew more he would tire out.  So Zuko did not protest and helped set up camp letting Nami lay on Appa's Arm as he watched her.  Aang knew Appa had taken a likeing to her and he would keep an eye on her as camp was set up.

" We cant Delay, we need to leave at first light.  Like you said Katara, she needs proper help" Zuko said looking at the fire he mad within the pit Toph made.

Zuko  loved Nami and wanted to get her home, he knew his uncle would come as he sent a guard to inform him.  he was always good with thing. but when he heard Appa make a low noise it changed his attention to Nami .
Nami was heavily breathing,  as Katara went over she started to examine Nami again seeing she had a rapid heart beat, a side affect of being dehydrated.  Katara got Nami to lay more up right as she turned to look at them yelling for water.  

Zuko watched in shock, he couldn't believe it he was feeling like Nami was slipping away as Katara tried to get Nami to drink but only small bits.  Nami's gag reflexes kicked in she was still alive but in a state of passed out but her body was aware.

Zuko came over looking at her, he saw her breathing heavy as he stood near her face looking down at her " come on Nami, please just .... Hang on we are getting you help"  Zuko whispered. 

Zuko let out low crys but his face was hidden as his gaze was fixed on to Nami's face as tears fell on Nami's cheeks from Zuko.  Nami let out a low groan as she was trying to open her eyes and move.   Nami opened her eyes slightly seeing dark shadows around her unaware where she was.

Zuko went wide eyes wiping tears away going to her side holding her hand as she turned to look from side to side trying to find out where she was.

" Nami.  Y .... your ok now , we came for you" Zuko said in a whisper, as he watched Katara trying to make her drink but she wouldn't as she couldn't stomach any more

( Zuko X Reader ) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now