Zuko's Confession - Chapter 17

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Nami stood there for a while as a hand was placed on her shoulder she turned ready to attack, but it was Zuko standing there with his hands up in the air a little.

" Wow....I come in Peace" Zuko said and when Nami relaxed and put his arms down

" What do you want " Nami said her arms crossed as she really didn't look happy, she was still mad that he betrayed her, it made her feel hurt when he seemed to changed he just went in the opposite direction

" nami, you should know......what happened back there the way I turned and betrayed, I wanted it for so much to return home, to my nation with my honour a- "zuko was cut out by nami snapping he knew she was mad about it and hurt by what he did

" your honour!.....you know thats foolish, you turned round and left me to rot in that cell, " nami said gazing down on the ground holding back tears, she felt so hurt, including the words he said to her when she was in that cell

"Nami " zuko reached out a little but to be met by nami turning away from him " please, I know what I did and said was foolish, hurtful and cruel. But nami you need to know ive changed and this time...its for real." Zuko took a few steps forward and put his arms around nami to pull her in to a warm embrace

This had made her break down in to tears as he stopped hugging her to turn nami to allow to see her crying with her hands covering her face. Zuko knew she was sensitive on certain matters but he knew this was different. He was only one who nami always was supporting, zuko knew she was different more than Mei. Nami had a smile that always made him smile through out the years.

Zuko pulled her in to another embrace to let her cry as he held her, he wanted to supoort her more that anything more than just a friend. "Nami I want to be there for you......through anything you face like you did for me"

Nami hugged him back as Zuko stroked namis long hair, zuko wanted to be with her, after a point in time when he saw her again, he thought about her all the time. She was so different and kind, more than anyone.

Zuko and Nami pushed away from each other to look in each otherw eyes. "But Zuko. what about Mei....you love her and you left her in the fire nation" Nami said backing up thinking her feeling for him would be rejected.

"Mei?....,,, I left her when I left the fire nation and again when I met her in her uncles prision. I locked her in a cell and she helped us escape, with sokkas father.......but when ever I was with her I....." Zuko stopped looking away a little

"You what Zuko........"Nami asked looking at him closely

Zuko came closer to Nami placing hands on her shoulders. He was taller than her quite a bit as he looked down at her, a slight blush on his cheeks as well as nami's cheeks too. He puller nami closer to him; nami shut her eyes scared and nervous about what he was going to do.

Nami then felt soft lips touch hers gently as a hand was holding the back of her head and another on her back to pull her to her toes to reach a little higher to meet him half way. Nami let out a soft moan as Zuko held her. Zuko let go a moment later looking as the now blushing face of nami who was lost for words

" Nami....I...I love you....ever since I saw you again I like you where everything I wanted.......and it took me all that time away from home and till now to find my true feelings" Zuko looked at her wishing to know her feeling where the same

"Zuko....I...I've felt this way for so long when I started to hang out with you as a kid I realised you where more, to me........and I missed you every moment you where gone, .........and when I saw you again...I knew my feelings and I could not fight you....that's why I tried to tell Iroh.....I wish you not to get hurt...I'm-" nami said and Zuko brung her to a kiss to make her be silent so they could spend this moment together.

Before long Zuko heard laughing and he stopped bringing Nami closer, protectively as they looked in the direction of the laughing, Aang, Katara, Suki And Sokka where hiding under the bushes as Toph only stood in the open beside them.

"Ha...I win Sokka you are to listen to me for a whole week"katara said looking happy like they placed a bet and had listened and saw everything

"You placed a bet!!" Nami and Zuko yelled at them red faced and angry at them.

"Yea...its just sad......Sokka thought Zuko would be to much of a wimp to do it.....Katara was the opposite" Toph stood there cross armed and shaking her head "they all wanted to spy on you both"

Nami and Zuko, went after them as they all turned to run except Toph, who laughed at them all chasing Aang and the others. It was a hectic chase for a while till Nami and Zuko gave in not caring as Nami was nervous the rest of the night being silent. She was shy when it came to romance and relationships, it was embarrassing to know that everyone had seen them confess to, what was next?

(( hope you like I wanted to put this in for some of my own writing before going back to the story line, we couldn't leave Nami being angry at Zuko for the rest if the season XD ))

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