The Earth King Chapter 12

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Nami followed behind Zuko and Iroh as they went in their apartment then Nami closed the door behind her as she listened when Iroh spoke

"You did the right thing. Letting the Avatars Bison go free " Iroh smiled as he and Nami watched zuko walk a little head 

" i don't feel right " Zuko said as his posture and expression looked very ill

Zuko said as he let out a small whimper and wobbled as he fell down, he tried to lean on something but it fell so did Zuko

"Zuko!" Both Nami and Iroh called out as they both ran over to him as Zuko was on the ground

Nami held his top half of his body up, Iroh ran to get a futon out laying it out on the ground.  Iroh helped Nami to move him to the futon and layed his head down on the pillow,  Nami worried as she sat in front of Iroh and Zuko laying in the middle, Nami used some of the water in the bucket and held it bending it on his forehead as it glowed faintly

Zuko moaned and looked seeing Nami then turning his head slightly to look at his Uncle " you have an intense fever, nami is trying to help cool you down" 

Zuko looked up again as Nami continued to let her bend water on her hand as it glowed still " So thirsty" Zuko tried to sit up but Iroh layed him back down to let nami continue and let him rest

" here is some clean water to drink" he said as Iroh and NAmi helped him to sit up as he helped Zuko drink from the ladle," stay under the blanket and sweat this out " Iroh said as Zuko took it and drank it then taking the bucket to do the same then to throw it across the room

" will be ok " Iroh asked nami who sat and changed her bending to put water on a rag and put it on his forehead

" he is burning up but their isn't anything wrong internally that i can see...." Nami said sighing as she and Iroh talked for along time 

"im glad you are doing what you belive in " Iroh smiled a little

" me you think you can teach me that move you did when redirecting Azula's Lightning" Nami asked as Iroh looked sightly surprised at your request " when i saved Aang i redirected it but  it left side effect"

" i see, must have unpredictable power to redirect it...but i will teach you" Iroh said as he talked to Nami about how he did it and how it was possible

Soon Zuko woke up slightly, Nami helped him sit up as Iroh poured some tea " you should know this isn't a natural sickness, but that shouldn't stop you enjoying tea" Iroh helped him sip the tea as Nami made sure he was sat up ok

"w....whats happening" Zuko asked 

" your critical decision.  what you did beneath that lake, it was in such conflict with the image of your self.  now you are at war within your own mind and body" Iroh looked at him as sit Nami really worried

"what does that mean " Zuko asked as he drank then Nami helped him to lay down again getting really worried

" it means your going though a a metamorphosis" Nami commented as she sat their looking down at Zuko really worried for him

" it will not be a pleasant experience, but when you come out of it, you'll be the beautiful prince you are meant to be" Iroh wet a cloth to wipes it on his head a little as he layed their

After a few hours Iroh was asleep where he sat and Nami stood in front of the window looking out worry still worried for Zuko as she looked around. before long Zuko shot up making a slight yelp; it scared Nami making her turn to see Zuko sitting up sweating.

Nami sighed as she saw him touch his scar;  he must of had a disturbing dream, he looked over as he saw Nami and she smiled at him. He got up from the futon to walk over still with out a shirt as it made Nami turn away in embarrassment with a sight blush.

"i want to thank you Nami, you helped me " Zuko said standing beside her looking out the window at the sceanary " me and my uncle are moving to the inner ring to make a new tea shop"

Nami sighed glad he seemed better " well i better go....the gang will be wondering where i am" Nami said looking down wondering what he thought of her helping the avatar

He never commented on it as Nami was about to leave and he stopped her by grabbing her wrists" Stay,....its fun to have you here as a person not a servant" Zuko said as he pulled her in to a hug

He was seeing her as more like a person rather than a servant that she use to be back in the Fire nation.

Sorry its short but next part coming soon

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