Sozin's Comet, part 2: The Old Masters - Chapter 18

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everyone gathered round a small fire, as everyone ate. Nami sat at one side of Zuko and Toph was on the other, Katara sat across from Zuko who sat by Iroh and Nami was between Zuko and Iroh; for Suki and Sokka sat between Katara and Toph.  it was rather weird as we ate in silence for a moment waiting on someone to talk.

" Uncle.  your the only one besides the Avatar that could possibly defeat the Father Lord"

" you mean Fire Lord " Toph  commented as Zuko looked annoyed at her 

" That's what I just said" Zuko said as he looked at Nami lowly giggling at the moment, he knew he must of said it wrong as he sighed getting back to the subject at hand. Iroh made a low and long noise like he was thinking " We need you to come with us"

" No Zuko, it will not turn out well" Iroh said sitting up a little more straight as he looked at his food for a moment and eating a little when he didn't speak

" You can beat him. and we will be there to help" Zuko Said gesturing to everyone here then looks at them then back to Iroh who sat starring down at the ground a little

"even if I did defeat the fire lord Ozai,  and I don't know that I could, it be the the wrong way to end the war.....the world would see it as more sense-less violence........A brother killing a brother to grab power" he said looking at Zuko then back to the ground trying to explain it to him as Zuko looked at him

" So the only way is for defeat the Fire lord if for Aang to " Nami started as she stopped to think about it as she looked at Iroh.

" Yes the Avatar, so this war can end peacefully" Iroh said as he and Zuko looked at each other

"and then...would you come take your rightful place on the throne

"no.....someone new must take the throne..and idealist with pure heart and unquestionable must be you prince Zuko" Iroh said, both Iroh and Nami looked at him as Nami had a slight smile on her face

  "unquestionable honor ?..... but I've made so many mistakes" Zuko sat as he looked to Iroh confused and conflicted why Iroh was saying he was the right person to go on the throne than Iroh himself

"yes you have ...... you struggled ..... you suffered but you have always followed your own path .... you restored your own honor .... and only you can restore honor to the fire nation"  Iroh said looking at Zuko then Nami a little

"I'll Try uncle " Zuko said looking down, he was doubting him self thinking he may not be good enough

Iroh spoke for a while as Nami Relised if Ozai was not to be in the palace who was? as she snapped her eyes open wide as she came to think only one person Ozai could trust in his family as Nami looked to Zuko as worry filled her face for him.

" But what about Azula ..... im sure she will be there waiting" Nami looked at Zuko who looked back with a straight face then looks away having a face that showed he was not afraid 

" i can handle Azula" He said looking the same face he did determined to do it on his own till Iroh spoke and it snapped him out of his determined face

" You cant do this Alone, Zuko ..... you'll need help" Iroh said as he closed his eyes and looked to Nami while Zuko asked Katara to come with him to defeat him

" what will i do, Iroh ..... " she said with a sight pose looking down at her bowl

" what do you think your destiny is today?" Iroh asked placing a hand on Nami's shoulder.  she thought for a moment thinking deeply about it " you've been in the fire nation and with Azula most of your life ..... what do you believe your destiny holds today "

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