Sozin's Comet, part 4: Avatar Aang - Chapter 19

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Nami's heart pounded as she was running to Zuko, he was attempting to save her from the lightning that was fired in her direction.  Zuko's path to run was diagonal towards Nami as she ran straight for Zuko. Nami found herself tackling Zuko in the moment of the lightning impacting on them.  Nami's face was determined as she tacked him hard enough to sent him and her off to the side, but sadly not enough force to miss the lightning.

Nami could feel it surge through her arm and up to the rest of her body, as for Zuko, he to was still hit but the power of the lightning wasn't as strong when it hit him.  Both Nami and Zuko fell to the ground as the lightning surged through them.  Zuko lays there in pain as Nami sat up struggleing as she bended water.  Katara was running to them calling out but Azula attacked her and she did a U-turn to bend water to retreat in to cover.  Nami shook bending to try and heal Zuko; his arm lifted to rest on Nami's arm as he lowly moaned 

" thank you " Zuko said lowly as Nami and Zuko looked over to see Azula chained and screaming and crying out as she was unable to move from her position as her wrists where bound to the ground

Katara came over and took over healing Zuko better " Nami, I'll take over its ok.   it was brave of you to risk your life like that " Katara said as Zuko moaned sitting up as he felt much better now

Nami smiled at him so happy he was ok; Nami felt so in pain she tried to hide it from them, wishing them not to worry for her, but when she stood things became fuzzy and  she toppled over. Zuko looked over at her seeing her about to fall over as he caught her. 

" Nami!" Zuko called out looking to Katara as Azula laughed in the background at what was happening.


 After Aang finally took Ozai's bending away the world was at peace.  Zuko was in his room putting on his robe moaning as he stopped as the pain was hurting him a litte, he didn't get hurt to bad as Nami saved him but as for her he worried.  she was in a guest room in the palace resting;  Katara was giving her regular healing sessions when they where resting up in the fire nation palace.  Zuko suddenly turned when his door opened and nami stood there looking at him with a smile.

" Nami?!?!  y ...your meant to be resting you where hurt pretty bad" Zuko protested as Nami walked over helping him put the robe on

" I'm fine Zuko .... Katara's healing sessions are really helping me ...... " Zuko smiled as he heard Nami say that as she then suddenly kissed him for a while, she loved him dearly and at least this time their was no audience " Zuko i care for you a lot and I .... I want to be with you always" Zuko smiled as he pulled Nami in to a embrace smiling as they stood their for the longest time alone together.


Days passed since the war, Zuko was Fire Lord and Nami stayed with him, she was happy as they all traveled back to the Earth King dom to see Iroh in his Tea shop; the Jasmine Dragon.   it was so nice Nami thought to be back their assisting in the Tea shop like she did all that time ago.  A year ago she was a shy and scared girl of Ozai and Azula; but now everything was different, things had changed for the better.

Nami was in charge of stirring the tea before bending it in to cups for Zuko to hand out.  She wore her normal outfit from the water tribe as she smiled watching Sokka paint who complained to Zuko to stop moving, the painting wasn't good but in Nami's mind it was something to remember this day and their friendship.

when everyone was complaining Nami went out side seeing Aang and Katara part from their kiss as she smiled going to pet Appa; he grumbled and licked her a little as Nami heard Aang and Katara walk over.

" Appa really has seemed to take to you" Aang said giggleing, as he watched Nami be licked

Nami laughed as she looked at Appa petting his head " yea, i like him to ...... he is such a gentle and kind animal.  you are very lucky to have a friendship like you both do "

Nami smiled looking at them both, all three of them laughed as Katara was happy she was up and about.  Since what happened she worried for her friend, being hit by lightning twice can harm someone.

Nami sighed noticing Katara's worried look as did Aang " no need to worry i am fine......yes i may have days of pain but in time as you said it will pass and i will heal"  Nami gave them both a comforting smile as they retreated back inside.

Nami stood out staring to the sky, her new goal now when heading back to the Fire nation was to find her parents; she wanted to find them and get to know them; she knew Zuko and the gang where going to go find Zuko's mother, so this meant it was going to be her own adventure.  Before long she heard foot steps to turn and see Iroh walking over.

Iroh knew that her mother was not in the prison and had to tell her " Standing alone?" Iroh asked as Nami only smiled looking back to the sky

Nami only nodded sighing " yea, I'm thinking to........ about my parents ....... i keep thinking will they  even know me ... or even know what i look like " Nami said as her hands went to fists in frustration as the thought

" Nami .... you should know a parents love wont change no matter what.  so they may not know your apperance but love will help them guide to you "  Iroh placed an arm round Nami as she was holding back tears " you should know that your mother is not in that prison, she escaped many years ago"

Nami looked at him shocked but surprised to " t...their not ..... where would they be?!?!" Nami looked at him a little panicked thinking she would never find them

" Follow your heart, and you will find what you are looking for Nami" Iroh said as he pulled her in to a hug and she hugged back

she was planning to find them, she knew her first place of business was to go to Fire Fountain City to start, as it was in her mothers journal.  it was a better place than any to start her search from there.  but she knew she was going to miss Zuko most of all.

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