chapter 1

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"What'd you do, rob an ice cream truck or something?" I hear Ethan ask as I walk into the room.

"Tomorrow we officially join the high school brotherhood. We are men. We must mark the moment." Benny says.

I clear my throat, reaching for the jar of cherries and looking at him expectantly.

"And woman." He adds, smiling and rolling his eyes.

"Mhmm." I mumble, plopping one in my mouth.

"Let's make a sundae to end all sundaes!" Ethan says excitedly as he sits down.

"You know I'd love to hang out... but I'm going out." I say slowly.

"Hales! Come on!" Benny whines. "This is the last night the three amigos get to be real kids."

"And you're not allowed." Ethan says raising an eyebrow.

I flash an all-knowing smile

"Like you'll ever tell." I say, patting his shoulder.
Everyone here knows it.

He puffs out an annoyed sigh as I walk away.

Janes sitting in her slippers watching Dusk. I walk to the door, grabbing my phone on the way.
I put my fingers to my lips and whisper "Shh."
As Jane watches me go. She to zips her lips closed, unfazed as ever.

"See ya." I say as I hear arguing over marshmallows in the dining room.

As I step outside, I see a car already waiting. I run up to the bright headlights giddily and hop into the passenger seat.

"Almost perfect timing." A low voice states.
I look at the driver, beaming.

"Gord's?" I ask, buckling my seat belt.

"Yep." Robbie says, popping the P.

I nod slowly.

Robbie was friends with Jesse, Sarah's boyfriend. She helped set us up and we've been seeing each other since the summer began.

Everyone at school basically knows, including Ethan. While he still makes fun of me sometimes, he never brings it up around Mom or Dad, which I'm thankful for.

I feel a small lump in my throat when I see the few cars parked in the driveway, mostly because I barely knew any of his friends.

When we get out, he takes my hand. I cringe. It's sweaty.

We walk in and I see Jesse, but no Sarah. I sigh.

I was hoping for a little fun, but it seems like just another stupid drama club fest.

I pull my hand from Robbie's grip and wipe my hand on my pants.

I nod and smile and make stupid small talk, but my minds not here. I'm actually pretty bored to be honest. It feels like I have the most dry and boring boyfriend on the planet, hanging out with his dry and boring friends.

That's the thing about Robbie.

I was kind of hoping something would click with him at some point before the school year started, but nothing's sparked. It's just something to do at this point.

My mind drifts back to Ethan and Benny at home making sundaes. I should have stayed with them. They might be the weirdest nerds I know, but they're still the most fun too.

My phone's shrill ring makes me jump. Everyone has gone quiet and stares as I pull my phone out of my pocket.
It's mom.

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