Season 1 Update

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Just wanted to say thank you for the comments and votes!:)

I also wanted to update yall on the next book!!

I have a lot planned for this book, and though it'll still be like the show and cute and stuff, it may be a bit darker.

If you saw in the last book, Hayley had a lot of conflicting times and darker moments, and it's going to be escalated a little bit in this book. So please don't be disappointed or anything, haha.

Anyway, the book is called Untame and I'm thinking of posting the first chapter as soon as possible. I also had the idea of maybe putting what is going to be in the description as a sneak peak!:)


I wheeze and gasp, clutching my chest with one hand, my other pressed against the cold concrete.

'Tell yourself it's okay.' The silk voice in my head tells me.

"N-no!" I stutter between gasps.

'Have it your way.'

I catch a glimpse of my face in the puddle in the pothole in front of me. My gasping grows slower as I stare at myself.

My blonde hair has become a matted mess on my head from the day, pieces of the woods are tangled within it. My nose has turned red from the sobbing, along with red blotches that are scattered along my face. My white, devilish fangs poke out of my mouth. I notice with a start that my eyes are an evil crimson. I get that feeling of dread return burn my head.

'You'll learn.' The voice tells me.

Without realizing it, I start to smack my head onto the hard ground. I start to scream. My arms bend into uncomfortable positions as I continue the agonized noises. I soon feel the warm liquid running down my face.

Then it stops.

I sit cross legged, sobbing, and not daring to touch my bleeding head.

I look back into the puddle.

My face stares back at me, blood dripping down the left side of my face, a single tear rolling down my right.

My left eye is redder than it's ever been before, and it seems to stare back at me as if it's challenging me. My right is it's plain old green... A sad, pained look in it.

I was walking the line between two worlds.

Suddenly it changes. As if telling my other eye, "Challenge accepted."

I see a determined glint in my green eyes. But there's something else, too.
I see the reflection of a face in my eyes. But it's not me.
It's him. Wearing my favorite grin.
I'm going to do whatever it takes to find the cure.

For Benny.


So, yeah. I know it sounds pretty dark, sorry if you don't really like it! The whole book isn't going to be dark and depressing or anything so don't worry.

Thanks for reading! Can't wait to post the first chapter of the new book! Xoxo

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