chapter 13

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I pull the curtain from the window back a little, glaring at the scene outside.

The two dickheads plus Sarah think some Nerf guns and a piece of the fence will be enough to fight a hoard of vampires.

I growl at the thought. I have other things to worry about.

In all the chaos, no one will be paying attention enough to catch what I have in mind.

It involves two words; revenge and Robbie.

I could snap him like a toothpick in a second flat, without laying a single finger on him.

I chew on lip to stop a smile. I really shouldn't, but I wanted to.

"Hayley?" A voice calls, opening the door.

I jump back from the window, sighing in relief when it's only my mother.

"Hey, mom." I say with a fake smile.

She walks in and looks out my window.

"Not sure what teenagers do nowadays." She mumbles to herself.

"Why aren't you out? Sarah'll wanna know you're here."

I sigh and look at the ground.

"This is with Ethan, isn't it?" She asks, sitting on my bed.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on. I know you two have been on each other's necks lately. I thought it was an age thing but I'm starting to get worried-" She starts to ramble.

"Mom, it's not Ethan." I butt in.

I pause for a while.

"It's me." I say quietly.

I look slowly up to mom, who's giving me a concerned look. She opens her mouth to say something, but I beat her to it.

"I've changed so much." I say.

She simply nods her head. She understands. Well, I guess to a certain extent.

"It'll get better." She says, kissing her forehead, and starting to leave.

"Oh, mom?" I ask quickly.

She stops and looks at me.

"I'm gonna go to see Dusk with Erica tonight, remember?" I ask.

She smiles, almost sympathetically, and nods. She shuts the door and I let out a sigh, ready to start sobbing, when none other than Jane barges in.

"Hey, can I borrow your- what's wrong?"

I put on my fake smile and look at her.

"Nothing. What do you need?"

She crosses her arms and gives me a look.

"What I need is for you to stop lying." She states.

I roll my eyes.

"You're too young, Jane, you wouldn't understand." I say, fumbling with my phone.

She snatches it from my grip holds it behind her. I reach for it but she moves towards the door.

WILD ➳ Benny Weir [1]Where stories live. Discover now