chapter 2

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"A babysitter? For you two? Classic!" Benny laughs as we walk down the hallway.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, saying nothing. Ethan shushes him.

"Keep it down man! This kind of info could ruin a guy's rep! And-"

"Really Benny, cut it out. Wouldn't want  Ethan's impeccable reputation ruined." I say with a playful smile.

Ethan shoots me a look as I walk away, looking around for Sarah or Erica.

I turn back around just to see Benny making an attempt to flirt with some girl. I roll my eyes again, and veer the other way.

He's so insanely desperate, he'd probably date anything that moves. I hope he doesn't get with one of those brainiacs in the mathletes. If he did I'd-

Hold on, why would I care?

My thoughts are interrupted as I distractedly walk headfirst into someone.

"Oh sorry-" I start.

"Move it, lowlife." A snobby voice says with an annoying chuckle.

I look at her, slightly surprised, as she tries to get around me.

I thought this amount of petty typically would be left in middle school.

But alas, the biggest high school stereotype stands before me. A blonde cheerleader, nothing else. She's pretty, and I'd say intimidating, but she doesn't scare me. I could kick her ass in a second flat.

"Bitch." I state.

She stops in her tracks and gives me a fiery glare.

"Someone needs to show you how things work around here." She says angrily, and pushes my laptop out of hands.

It clangs onto the floor as she laughs with a bunch of other cheerleaders and struts away.

I watch her go, steaming. Then I crouch down and pick up my laptop.

"Hey!" A voice says above me. It's Erica.

I just force an apparently very unconvincing smile.

"That's just Stephanie. She's like that to everyone." She says, cringing.

I just let out an exasperated sigh.

"Hey, she did get a 27% in biology last year!" She laughs.

I finally smile.

"Erica, I think my sister's hamster is smarter than her." I laugh.

"It'll come back and bite her someday." She says.

"And maybe we'll be the ones to do it." I smile.


The smell of the sloppy joe meat fills the lunch room. I feel my stomach grumble and frown at my crumpled brown bag. I see Ethan and Benny in the lunch line and walk up to them quickly.

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