chapter 6

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My eyes widen.

Woah. Wait. I'm a "fledgling"?

I am so dreaming. That explains Sarah's wacko rant earlier, I know shes not crazy.

That would explain a whole lot.

With a daydreamy smile plastered on my face, I look around.

Wait. Where am I again?

Oh yeah, the party.

Hey? When did Eth and Benny get here?

I give them a tiny wave. They're just gaping at me, but at least Rory waves back.

Some guy suddenly pushes the poor kid forward, in front of Sarah.

"Hear his heart pumping? It's a whole new world for you." A voice says to my left.

I look on the other side of Erica. It's Jesse.

I strain my ears, and sure enough, I hear the pumping of not only one heart, but also two others quickened with fear.
There's a burn in the back of my throat when I hear it. I stiffen and look up slowly as Jesse keeps talking.

Looking around quickly, I catch Benny's eye, but he averts them quickly.

Wow. Kind of rude.

I inhale deeply. There's a warm... Appetizing scent in the air. It's slightly metallic smelling, but sweet at the same time.

My throat burns more. I want that.

I'm forced out of my little daydream again when I hear a yell.

"Sarah, don't!" Ethan shouts, grabbing her arm and making me jump with surprise.

Holding onto her arm, he stifles a gasp and I feel a cool rush in my head. Like a bitter gust of wind through my brain.

I clutch my head and let out a sharp sigh.

Erica shoves Sarah out of the way impatiently.
"Oh, I will do it!" She snaps.

She stands excitedly in front of him, shuffling her hands.

"Erica no!" Sarah yells, held back by two guys from the drama club.

"Erica, yes." I giggle out quietly, quite impressed with this dream Erica's attitude.

"Hey girls, there's no need to fight over me-" Rory starts.

An impressed and startled grin hits my face after Erica suddenly launches onto him, and I hear the flow of blood.

"Woah-ah" I say out loud, and I feel eyes go to me.

But I'm not paying that much attention, I'm starting at Erica, wanting to do that too.

She draws back, arms in the air and gasping happily, then they both fall to the ground.

I start to laugh a little, but stop when Sarah soon holds two wooden stakes over her head in defense without warning.

"Back off! I mean it!" She says threateningly. This dream Sarah's lowkey a bad ass!

She starts walking backwards, shielding Benny and Ethan. Jesse shouting after her.

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