chapter 10

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*switching it up once again*


I sit up quickly. I hear a second bang against the house, following the one that woke me.

"Ow, shit!" A voice whispers, from what it sounds like, right out of my window.

It's followed by a series of giggles.

I slowly get up and pull a clove of emergency garlic from under my pillow. This is exactly why I have it.

I'm so smart to have thought of this. Nice going Benny!

I hear rustling from the windowsill and quiet mumbling.

"What time is it? Too late. Tooooooooo late..."

Who the hell?

I creep cautiously to my open window. My arms drawn back, ready to launch the garlic at my attacker. I see a pair of glowing yellow eyes, staring right back at me. I chuck the garlic at them.

"Ow! What the fuck, Benny?!" A familiar voice says, falling to the ground with a thump below.

"Hayley? What are you doing here?" I say, instantly regretting the garlic.

"Are you okay?" I say leaning over the window to look at her. "Stalker!" I add.

She's sitting on the ground, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"I know it's late but I wanted to talk to you." She whines. "Can I come in please?"

I sigh.

"Yeah." I look at the clock as she literally swoops back up and climbs through the window.

"It's almost three in the morning. And we have school tomorrow. What is it?" I whisper.

She stumbles onto the ground after she unsuccessfully platforms into my room.

"I'm okay." She drawls out.

I pull her up, and she sways a little, trying to gain balance.

"I... I'm okay-" She drawls out again, giggling, in an unnaturally happy daze.

"Uh, where have you been?" I question.

"Home." She laughs nervously.

"Don't lie to me. You drank?" I demand in an urgent whisper.

Her cheeky grin is knocked right off her face. She says nothing, looking at the ground, ashamed.

"I don't trust that dumb drama freak..."
I start to mumble.

Her head snaps up and she glares at me.

"Wellllll sorry! You're not the only one who doesn't trust him, you know! What are you, my dad?" She says loudly.

"Shh!" I say covering her mouth. I use my other hand to steady her so she doesn't fall over.

WILD ➳ Benny Weir [1]Where stories live. Discover now