chapter 8

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To everyone in the house's surprise, I come downstairs in a relatively bright mood. Mom gives me a weird look or two as I scarf down cereal like I've never eaten it before.

Hey, my diet may be blood, but I'm not giving up Cocoa Puffs!

"You know, other people eat that too." Mom says, but I see the corners of her mouth turned up into an amused smile.

I hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs. I get up quickly, putting my bowl in the sink, and slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"I'm full. I gotta go." I say.

"Isn't it a little early?" Mom asks, raising an eyebrow. "Since when are you in a hurry to get to school?"

Ethan appears in the kitchen, opening the fridge and inspecting it for food.

"Oh, I just was gonna go get help in science, the... homework was kinda hard last night." I lie, shaking my head.

Ethan turns around, a puzzled look on his face. I narrow my eyes at him, a wicked smile playing on my lips.

"As a matter of fact, I'm already late. I was just hoping to get a quick bite-" I pause widening the grin, "then go."

With her back turned, she doesn't notice the little showdown we're having.

His confused glance turns into a cold stare, realizing I'm being petty. Jane's eyes flick confusedly between us. Mom turns around.

"You're awfully weird today. But it's a good weird." She says. "See you when you get home."

"About that, I'm hanging with Rory today after school." I say quickly. Not a total lie.

"It's been a while! Tell him I said hi!" Mom says happily.

She thinks despite his... IQ level, per say, he's a nice influence on me.

"Bye, mom. Bye Jane." I say, approaching the door. I smirk to myself.

"Have a fangtastic day!"

Dad jokes. Gotta love them.

I put on a pair of sunglasses and throw my hood over my head and walk out the door. The opposite direction of school. Erica's isn't too far away.

"Hey! Where you going?" A voice yells after me.

I turn around and see a dork with messy hair running up to me. I should have known by now how often he comes over.

I'm a little conflicted.

Do I talk to him just to spite Ethan? Or do I ignore them both and be a total bitch?

I guess I'll just see where it takes me.

"You're talking to me?" I say a little suspiciously, realizing I almost ripped his throat out with my teeth last night.
He looks at the ground a little awkwardly.

"Well E said you're okay now because you..."

"I don't wanna talk about it." I snap, looking at the ground.

"Sorry." He says quickly, shuffling around a little nervously.

"You're still scared of me, aren't you?" I narrow my eyes at him.

WILD ➳ Benny Weir [1]Where stories live. Discover now